The Adventures of the Delineator: The Mark of the Assassin
~ by Jon Stonger From the Logs of Captain Dave: “Get the money upfront,” hissed Doc hissingly in my ear. We were sitting in a shady bar on the second planet in the Scorchemal...
~ by Jon Stonger From the Logs of Captain Dave: “Get the money upfront,” hissed Doc hissingly in my ear. We were sitting in a shady bar on the second planet in the Scorchemal...
Matt Yglesias returns to the subject of beer and the deregulation of the beer industry during the Carter industry. I’m going to take a bit of credit for the debate that was sparked around...
This isn’t quite important enough to front-page center, but it’s good enough for the sidebar.
Kevin Drum writes: But Will [Wilkinson]— along with Jon Stewart and all the others who think the media is being unfair toward Ron Paul — is missing the single biggest difference between Paul and...
I wish more people in government would read Scott Sumner’s blog: I once read all the New York Times from the 1930s (on microfilm.) You can’t even imagine how frustrating it was. They knew...
~by Ryan B. Now, not to pick on Matt Yglesias, because I don’t think he’s necessarily worse than most of the center-left-type bloggers out there, but he recently put up two posts that rubbed...
So you’ve all seen the Jon Stewart clip about the media ignoring Ron Paul. Here are my thoughts. First, the media are ignoring Ron Paul. This is so obvious that it hardly bears mentioning....