Attack of the Village Voice
A blogger at the Village Voice who goes by the name ‘Roy Edroso’ (call me crazy but that name sounds contrived to me…) has called me out on my Obion County Fire post. First...
A blogger at the Village Voice who goes by the name ‘Roy Edroso’ (call me crazy but that name sounds contrived to me…) has called me out on my Obion County Fire post. First...
Erik has already said much of what I would like to say about the 10th anniversary of Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish. But I’d like to add a few words of my own, nonetheless. I...
So the roasting and toasting of Andrew Sullivan and the Daily Dish is well underway. I’ll add my two cents. First of all, we here at The League and myself in particular owe Andrew...
I’ve gone back and forth on Gov. Christie’s decision to kill the ARC about 10 times in the last 24 hours, and probably will do so another 10 times in the next 24 hours, but with...
I used to characterize the contemporary GOP as a party whose economic policy is “let’s eat the seed corn,” but perhaps that was unfair, and informed too much by my interest in infrastructure policy,...
Ned Resnikoff poses a pretty intriguing question at his blog: How could a Deity prove its omnipotence? This, of course, assumes that a Deity is omnipotent to begin with. I’m not sure a Deity...
I’m a bit late to the great education debate, which is unfortunate because I did have a few thoughts on it. My own take isn’t really connected to the need to create a more...
One of the most important things happening in the United States right now is getting a trivial amount of press. As a 30-day moratorium to investigate cost overruns comes to a close, it’s becoming...
I’ve enjoyed both of Mark’s posts (part one and part two) on the Obion Fire Controversy a great deal. He’s absolutely correct to heap scorn on the various misinformation campaigns out there regarding this...
From Canadian philosopher/theorist Charles Taylor’s book A Secular Age, p. 258-9: That this achievement was possible [i.e., exclusive humanism] is an important fact about human beings, albeit it is open to different interpretations. We...
Those who insist (inaccurately) that so-called “pay-for-spray” and an “on your own” theory of governance were epitomized by firefighters in rural Obion Couty, Tennessee refusing to put out a fire – and indeed watching it...
So I’ve decided Think Progress (Yglesias excepted) is rapidly becoming indistinguishable from a Left-Wing version of the Malkin-Coulter axis, a propaganda outlet that exists more to make its base accept a caricature of its...
Rush Limbaugh calls the President a “jackass,” an “economic illiterate,” and an “idiot, where capitalism is concerned.” This, somehow, equates to “taking his contempt for the President to a new level,” and “opinion media rhetoric...
{I do want to respond to nadezhda in greater depth at some point. I also understand that this is a bit impressionistic-like most discussions of culture. For now, however, let me say that I...
Robin Hanson’s post on “Type A and Type B” people (or foragers vs. farmers) is like a weird cousin of the novel, Ishmael. And like every other pundit’s false dichotomy, it fails to deliver...
Via Balko, we learn that Barack Obama is just too huggy: Am I the only one who saw weakness when President Obama and his departing chief of staff Rahm Emanuel gave each other big,...
I realize that political publications lob softball questions at ideological fellow-travelers all the time, but National Review’s “interview” with Dinesh D’Souza about his bizarre Forbes cover story is truly embarrassing. First, he gets basic...
I enjoyed both Jason’s and William’s takes on the cruelty of high school (of course, any grade can be a cruel one – my fifth grade in Catholic school in Canada was fairly cruel,...
This month’s Cato Unbound features a lead essay by economist and polymath Deirdre McCloskey. Though she’s been professionally associated with the Chicago School, her ideas are anything but predictable, and she’s been one of...