Let us match wits on a sphere of bloggo

Barrett Brown

I am the founder of the distributed think-tank Project PM and a regular inactive to Vanity Fair and Skeptical Inquirer. My work has also appeared in The Onion, National Lampoon, New York Press, D Magazine, Skeptic, McSweeney's, American Atheist, and a couple of newspapers in the U.S. and Mexico as well as a few policy journals. I'm the author of two books and serve as a consultant to various political entities and private clients.

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7 Responses

  1. MFarmer says:

    What about libertarian bloggers?Report

    • Barrett Brown in reply to MFarmer says:

      @MFarmer, Well, I’m closer to libertarian than I am anything else, so I probably wouldn’t have much to debate with them unless they’re of the sort who prefer the Republican to the Democratic Party.Report

      • MFarmer in reply to Barrett Brown says:

        @Barrett Brown, I’m not sure what kind of libertarian prefers the Democrat Party, but if you are challenging conservatives, I doubt there are any left reading here.Report

        • Barrett Brown in reply to MFarmer says:

          @MFarmer, The kind of libertarian who actually pays attention to what each party does in terms of spending and civil liberties, rather than the sort who simply accepts the GOP at its word that it is a fiscally conservative entity with respect for the rights of American citizens.Report

        • MFarmer in reply to MFarmer says:

          I was actually referring to preferring neither. Anyone who could “prefer” the Democrats is not very libertarian — If forced to choose, if neither one change, I would face the punishment of disobeying the command.Report

      • @Barrett Brown, I think a lot of libertarians who still prefer the Republican Party either think the Neoconservatives are a sort of blip that has peaked and will soon go away and/or they support Republicans like Mitch Daniels or Ron Paul and think there is a future for this kind of Republican party if only the Palin/Huckabee people would go away.

        These sorts of libertarians probably see the country heading in the direction of social liberalism anyways and still consider economic and international issues to be more important. Considering the aforementioned view of W and Friends as an anomaly, and the near-certainty of cultural liberalism, it wouldn’t be outrageous that libertarians would place hope for smaller government and a less meddlesome international policy with the Republican Party.Report

  2. Sam M says:

    Interesting concept, but I think some examples might be in order. What issue, for instance, have liberal bloggers ignored? What issue have conservative bloggers ignored? I mean… National Review wrote plenty about the Larry Craig thing a while back. Maybe it’s not the ocverage you wanted, but they posted about it.

    Are you looking for things the bloggers IGNORE, or are you diving into their posts for specific questions you feel like they have not addressed in those posts?

    Specifically, if given a chance, what questions would you ask someone at natioanl Review or the Weekly Standard or Red State to address? What issues have they sidestepped?

    That is, let’s say someone at Red State takes you up on this. You say, “Hey, write something about Trig palin.” Not that you would. But for the sake of argument. So they write a post that says, “Andrew Sullivan should stop obsessing about Trig Palin.”

    I mean, that’s ABOUT Trig Palin, right?

    What I am getting at is, both sides have talking points. So just getting them to address an issue is not going to necessarily induce some kind of productive introspection or conversation. Unless you have some other sense of how this might play out.Report