Monthly Archive: July 2010

Plato “Ion”: What’s the Problem with Poets?

Plato’s dialogue Ion is brief and seems to address a rather trifling question: Do poets know what they’re talking about? If Homer composed beautiful passages about chariot-driving, does his art include technical knowledge of...

What’s So Bad About Trig Trutherism?

I just don’t get the hostility to Trig Trutherism.  Over on Volokh, Dave Kopel takes Human Events to task for publishing a column arguing that Obama is a Muslim.  Kopel quite properly warns that...

Eighty-$#@*-Four Percent

Jamelle, covering Netroots Nation at The American Prospect’s blog, writes: The Netroots Nation straw poll, conducted during the conference by Revolution Messaging, shows President Obama with an approval rating of 84 percent among the...

The National Popular Vote Initiative

Steven Taylor notes that Massachusetts has become the latest state to sign on to the National Popular Vote Initiative and proceeds to shred the usual claims that the Initiative is inconsistent with the spirit...

Bloodbuzz Ohio

I was remiss in my last music post. Several readers pointed out that The National’s Bloodbuzz Ohio is an excellent tune and should have been included. Well here it is: Some great lyrics in...

If I Were Shirley Sherrod’s Attorney…

(UPDATED) I’d strongly advise against this course of action.  It is certainly true that what Breitbart did was wrong and blatantly misleading.  To the average person lacking a preexisting loyalty to Breitbart, the defenses...

I write like . . . H. P. Lovecraft

The Old Ones have spoken . . . or rather, this incredibly unreliable website has determined I’m a bad Lovecraft knock-off. Sound off in comments with your own results (via).

Links from the Honorary Ordinaries

We haven’t done one of these for awhile.  Today seems like as good a day as any.  It’s sometimes easy to forget that a lot of times the most detail-oriented, sober, and incisive pieces of...

Quick Question

Lately, I’ve read a number of news stories about this sort of thing. Out of curiosity, has there, in fact, been a recent uptick? If so, does anyone know why?

The Good Germans

Although I think he makes a number of highly questionable logical leaps (and certainly overstates his case) in his attempt to tie the failure of the Allies to support the WWII German resistance to “Egalitarian...

One last salvo on immigration

Mark’s points about the relationship between American dynamism and immigration are well-taken. Again, I’d like to stress that I’m endorsing an exceedingly mild form restrictionism – perhaps a system that expands immigration quotas for...

The Catholic Church

Wednesday jukebox – The National

Why wait for Friday night to do a music post? I say let the jukebox play whenever you put another dime in it, baby. Anyways, I’ve been almost obsessively listening to The National lately....

The US: A Special Case for Open Borders

I respect the point that Will made last week in his post arguing against open borders and for a sort of mild restrictionism.  Will sums his argument up thusly: So the West is both...

Interesting Standards…

So, let me get this straight… Activist accuses ideological opponents of racism on basis of highly misleading video clip taken completely out of context.  NOT RACE-BAITING. Target of racism accusation based on highly misleading...

Sam Smith’s Progressive Populists

Serves me right… go on vacation, miss a bunch of fun realignment posts.  Anyway, I’m still sorting though and catching up, but I do hope to have some more complete thoughts on the subject...

A Few Things to Add to Jason’s List

Just to add some more items to Jason’s list of “managed ignorance” in the realm of conservative media: The “Mosque at Ground Zero,” which is neither at Ground Zero nor even really a “mosque,”...

Bleg/Open Thread

I got nuthin’ right now – any suggestions on something you’d all like me to write about?