Monthly Archive: June 2010
Arizona burning
So, I went to Toy Story 3 with my wife on Saturday (great movie by the way) and when we were driving out of the theatre we saw a plume of smoke that looked...
The One Best Way
I now have another.. other… blog. Same authors as the old Positive Liberty, new site location, new look and feel.
Anxious Patriarchs?
I hate to reach for an overused, ever-present, explains-absolutely-nothing feminist historians’ trope, but…. tell me, is there any other way to explain the move from The effort and quality of parenting are what really...
What Would Freud Think of This: Golf Edition
I guess this is inevitable, but seriously FoxSports WTF? Do you have to headline Tiger Woods’ round of golf today as: “Turned On: Tiger Works His Mojo To Climb Into Contention.” Seriously? I followed...
Happy Juneteenth!
Today, June 19th, is “Juneteenth”: the date commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. It was June 19th, 1865, that Union General Gordon Granger, having arrived with troops the day before, read...
Music to my ears
This evening it struck me that political blogging is a pale, distant second to playing good music with good friends over numerous beers. It also occurred to me that there are actually a number...
Your Weekend Viewing Recommendation
I’d like to direct your attention to Alyssa Rosenberg’s appreciation of “House of Cards,” a decades-old political drama from our cousins at the BBC. Francis Urqhart, the show’s protagonist, is one of the great...
One last post on the Seattle incident
Here’s Radley Balko: Both women are overreacting here. Obviously the cop is as well. Make up your own mind about whether the punch was warranted. I think you could make a case that by...
Cops are never wrong
So, interesting reaction to my last post. It turns out – and I did not know this – it turns out that the police are never wrong. Ever. It also turns out that if...
USA 2, Slovenia 2
To quote the immortal Joe Jacobs: “We wuz robbed.” A goal that should have capped off an epic comeback was inexplicably called back to allow the Slovenians to slink away with a draw. Time...
Little Brother is watching
Scott posted this extraordinary video of a Seattle police officer punching a seventeen year old girl in the face and it really is quite shocking to see. What struck me about the incident, though,...
The Realignment of the (Perpetual) Future
I’m reluctant to riff on such a small bit from Lisa’s truly excellent post on political realignments. Still, there’s a brief speculation about the future realignment that I can’t help but note. She writes...
The South, realignment, and the consistency of political parties
I just got back from a family reunion in the South, specifically, the North Carolina/Tennessee mountain region. It really is a breathtakingly beautiful part of the country. In part because of my family roots,...
Party All the Time
Because it’s Thursday and Thursday is 80’s night at a bar somewhere, it’s totally fitting to post this awesome retro Eddie Murphy music video. I’m so glad I lived in almost total ignorance of...
From Joe Klein’s good piece on Afghanistan: “Karzai is not incompetent,” a Western diplomat told me. “He is acting according to his own priorities — his family, his tribe, his nation, in that order.”...
Bernstein on Discrimination and Liberty
If you’re not reading Cato Unbound — also known as my real job — you should be. Here’s David Bernstein, offering some new thinking on the old debate between property rights and nondiscrimination: Historically,...
You threw out the body of your dead hamster?
Jim Henley reminds me that I’m not really such a bad parent. But then, my kid can’t IM yet.
Meet the People Who Wrecked Your Civil Liberties
They’re desperately incompetent morons with a taste for porn and bestiality. Yes, there’s propaganda value in showing the dumber side of al Qaeda. But we gave up habeas corpus for fear of them?