Monthly Archive: May 2010

Gary Johnson 2012

On Twitter today, Roger Ebert said of Gary Johnson: “The part I don’t understand: Why is this man a Republican?” A better question is – why isn’t the Republican Party more like Gary Johnson?...


(UPDATED) Steve Benen and John Cole offer complementary takes on the complaints of John McCain and Peter King that the apparent Times Square “Generation Veal” attempted bomber should not have been informed of his...

So… What Now?

I see the Times Square bomber has been captured. Under powers recently asserted by the Obama Administration, we can assassinate him this afternoon, right? Why the delay? Is Obama soft on terrorism?

Bolton on Bombing

John Bolton writing in the Wall Street Journal: We therefore face a stark, unattractive reality. There are only two options: Iran gets nuclear weapons, or someone uses pre-emptive military force to break Iran’s nuclear...