De-Prioritizing Drug Law Enforcement
The disturbing video of the puppycide SWAT raid in Missouri has, not surprisingly, generated a lot of discussion in short order. One of the things I argued in my original post was that the...
The disturbing video of the puppycide SWAT raid in Missouri has, not surprisingly, generated a lot of discussion in short order. One of the things I argued in my original post was that the...
“My interpretation of Facebook: What if I told you that you could tell a private company all your interests and friends…. for free?!” –Adam Kotsko Well, I hope all of our readers who use...
Writing in National Review, Kevin Williamson lays waste the ‘magical thinking’ of supply-siders and the notion that somehow tax cuts will completely pay for themselves. There’s a great deal of really excellent stuff in...
This video, and in particular the audio, needs to be distributed far and wide. It should be on every evening news broadcast tonight. It depicts what real, actual tyranny looks like, and how it...
Br. Jason writes: I’ve never really believed that it was possible to reconcile Christianity with homosexuality. The scriptures seem clear enough to me — to be a Christian is to be opposed to same-sex...
Orin Kerr covers much the same ground that I tried to cover with my post yesterday, but does a far better job of explaining why there’s no reason to get in a rage about...
From Foreign Policy: There seems to be a pattern of mediocre sons from elite families becoming terrorists.
On Twitter today, Roger Ebert said of Gary Johnson: “The part I don’t understand: Why is this man a Republican?” A better question is – why isn’t the Republican Party more like Gary Johnson?...
Here’s a good essay on Thomas Disch, the acclaimed (and slightly crazed) science fiction author. Disch is was an interesting character for all sorts of reasons, but his disdain for rural populism and cosmopolitan...
So another anti-gay minister just got caught with another gay prostitute: The Miami New Times has an explosive exposé revealing that anti-gay activist George Rekers has taken several vacations with a “rentboy” whom the...
Jeremy Beer heaps praise on to the latest issue of The American Conservative (and not just because he’s in it) writing: I just received my copy of The American Conservative’s most recent issue. It’s...
League alum Jamelle Bouie is up for a Netroots Nation Scholarship. If you have a moment, please take a second to offer him your support.
I don’t think the headline finding of this Pew poll is terribly interesting. But buried deep within it is something that I thought was somehow both surprising to me and yet a complete validation of...
(UPDATED) Steve Benen and John Cole offer complementary takes on the complaints of John McCain and Peter King that the apparent Times Square “Generation Veal” attempted bomber should not have been informed of his...
I see the Times Square bomber has been captured. Under powers recently asserted by the Obama Administration, we can assassinate him this afternoon, right? Why the delay? Is Obama soft on terrorism?
Barry Ritholtz presents CDOs for Dummies. The graphic says it all.
Mark, my ‘last straw’ – like most of its ilk – has come at the end of a long parade of straws. I have begun to ask myself how can I self-identify or be...
I’m a committed believer in open borders and, failing that, of a robust guest worker program and something in the neighborhood of absolute amnesty for illegal immigrants. Moreover, I’ve got no real affinity for...
John Bolton writing in the Wall Street Journal: We therefore face a stark, unattractive reality. There are only two options: Iran gets nuclear weapons, or someone uses pre-emptive military force to break Iran’s nuclear...