Lost blogging – ‘Sundown’

Erik Kain

Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.

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7 Responses

  1. William Brafford says:

    Ben trying to rescue Sayid was a really nice touch. In Sayid’s timeline, it’s only been a matter of days since he shot pre-teen Ben in the stomach and left him for dead — out of the conviction that Ben Linus would turn out to be one of the most evil men on the planet. Now it looks like Ben is on a path to redemption. One of Sayid’s many sins reached out for him, and Sayid turned away. I don’t think there’s any hope for Island Sayid, though of course it’s up to the writers.

    Sideways Sayid, though, is a different story. And if the creators have a way merge these timelines in mind, it might be that there’s still hope for Sayid.

    This season, it seems like most of the characters are (still) trying to figure out how to react to the knowledge that they are being manipulated. Hurley seems OK taking Jacob’s instructions. By letting go of some of his hangups about certainty, Jack manages to avoid becoming Dogen’s pawn, but when he finds out that Jacob has been watching him, he flies off the handle. Sayid has finally accepted that no matter what he tries to do, someone will find a way to turn him into a tool of violence. Sawyer tries to opt out of the game completely, only to be tempted by Fake Locke. Surely Ben’s still trying to process the way that Fake Locke played him at the end of last season. I think we are going to find out that Fake Locke is not exactly evil. I think it will make sense if he sees himself as tricked by Jacob, and if there’s some legitimacy to his grievance. (I’ll be really, really disappointed if this does turn into Jacob good/FLocke evil.)Report

    • I agree there will more nuance than the good/evil dynamic. How do you see free will playing out here? Jacob, as far as I can tell, really has worked entirely through giving people choices. Locke seems to work through a combination of temptation and coercion. Either way, it does seem like more than merely good vs. evil….Report

  2. Patrick – I’m editing your post because you give way too much away. That’s not fair to readers. I sure as hell don’t want to know all that, let alone how you know it.



    • Louis B. in reply to PatrickKelley says:

      Easy with the spoilage there.Report

    • Sorry about that. Much of what I related was based on the character list in the up-coming episode, which is available on Buddy TV. It wasn’t so much spoiler insofar as revelatory of anything significant to the overall main plot of the series, just characters and their relationship to the main, central character and their place in this specific episode. Mostly minor stuff (such as Professor Arzt’s role), and easily accessed.

      My statement as to the nature of the island and of Jacob and False Locke, and the true meaning of their rivalry, wasn’t a spoiler at all, that was just my own theory.Report

  3. Louis B. says:

    I’m pretty sure the sideways timeline is the result of Jacob/RoboLocke fulfilling their promises. See for example how Dogen’s son is still alive.Report

    • William Brafford in reply to Louis B. says:

      That’s a very nice idea — we already saw that Kate got her chance to help Claire, and that Claire is “reunited” with Aaron, so to speak. Good call!Report