The worst person of 2009
So far, Joe Lieberman is edging out Glenn Beck. If you’d like to vote for the worst person of 2009, head over to my True/Slant digs and cast your ballot….
by Erik Kain · December 30, 2009
So far, Joe Lieberman is edging out Glenn Beck. If you’d like to vote for the worst person of 2009, head over to my True/Slant digs and cast your ballot….
Erik Kain
Erik writes about video games at Forbes and politics at Mother Jones. He's the contributor of The League though he hasn't written much here lately. He can be found occasionally composing 140 character cultural analysis on Twitter.
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You can’t be serious.Report
Really?? I can’t be?Report
Perhaps I should say you attract readers who are not serious (now why would that be?). Now I could regard the exercise as ironic. That being the case, you all need to improve your performance as progenitors of humor. Were I to take it seriously, I would have to conclude your readers were disproportionately composed of people too politically partisan to see straight. The responses of your readers are listed at the end.
Worst person? I think Rush Limbaugh has given considerable business to divorce lawyers and it does pique my interest that Nancy Pelosi and her husband have a net worth in eight digits.
The times call for quality leadership; it is conceivable that Thomas Foley and George Mitchell might have filled the bill; the duo of Pelosi and Reid certainly do not. Now, of all the seedy characters in the United States Congress, why do your readers take a particular interest in Joseph Lieberman? If the ‘worst person’ is merely an individual who is an impediment to a priority of the President, I would have to conclude your readers are composed of people on the DNC payroll with a denuded sense of perspective.
Some of the other responses are almost as peculiar. You have the former Governor of Alaska, a radio commentator who is something of a gold bug (he has a history of alcoholism too, is that what is bothering you all?), and an investment bank which may have behaved problematically but whose troublesome quality has been well exceeded by several others in the same stable (e.g. AIG, Citi, et al.).
Not a single one of your respondents listed the grotesque Barney Frank, who has been the locus of corruption, incompetence, and irresponsibility in this financial crisis.
“Not serious”, E.D., is the charitable interpretation.
# Joe Lieberman (24%, 50 Votes)
# Glenn Beck (24%, 50 Votes)
# Barack Obama (13%, 27 Votes)
# Goldman Sachs (12%, 25 Votes)
# Sarah Palin (11%, 23 Votes)
# Nancy Pelosi (5%, 11 Votes)
# Rush Limbaugh (3%, 6 Votes)
# Kayne West (3%, 6 Votes)
# The parents of that ‘balloon boy’ kid (2%, 5 Votes)
# Harry Reid (1%, 3 Votes)
# Keith Olbermann (1%, 2 Votes)
# The Dalai Llama (1%, 2 Votes)Report
You’re trying too hard, Art Deco. This was just a fun thing to do for the end of the year. End of story.Report
Your problem, buddy, is that it’s lame.Report
It must be hard be so cool all the time Art Deco. Why even your cool name is cool and your cool commentary drips with blogospheric coolness. Keep at it Skipper, pretty soon you’ll be the coolest kid on the block. And then you can retire and tell your grand kids how cool you were when you showed everyone on the intertubes what it meant to be the coolest.Report
This is one of those comments that I wish I’d written.Report
Not Dick Cheney?Report
I know. Gross oversight.Report