Monthly Archive: November 2009
Hey Girl, Party at Moammar’s Pad, Text Me
This story of Gadhafi inviting 200 young Italian women to his house and then trying to convert them to Islam only works in a world in which Gadhafi exists. I can guarantee you that...
The Mideast Peace, Make That, Nonbelligerency Process
Rob Malley and Hussein Agha have a very thought-provoking piece in the New York Review of Books (h/t Marc Lynch) concerning the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. In effect, they argue that the peace process is...
We’re All Turning Japanese-a
Since President Obama bowed to the Japanese Emperor, thereby signaling the reversal of the victory of WWII and the domination of Japan over the US (Michael Crichton was right after all!!!!), I for one,...
Defending Bill Belicheck’s indefensible decision to go for it last night on fourth and two seems to be becoming a movement and gathering steam. It’s driven, I think, by sports contrarianism, but never mind...
The Prisoner
Did anyone catch the AMC remake last night? How was it? I just found Wired’s “Prisoner” appreciation and McGoohan obituary, and I’m curious to know how good the reboot is.
“The Nine Nations of China”
Here’s a fascinating breakdown of China’s ethnic and cultural divisions.
Breaking the Nuclear Taboo
Unlike John Hinderaker, I would be very pleased if Obama expressed regret for Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I don’t foresee this happening, but I am always amazed by people who just assume that leveling two...
Wanted: Non-corrupt conservative leaders to defend civil liberties
David Weigel reports that David Keene of the American Conservative Union and Grover Norquist of Club for Growth Americans for Tax Reform have come out in favor of closing Gitmo and trying terror suspects...
Glenn Beck and Southpark
Here’s Beck on his radio show, taking the Southpark parody rather well I think.
The Evolution of Blogging: An Interview with John Cole
John Cole began blogging at Balloon Juice way back in 2002, when he was still a die-hard Republican. According to the FAQ on his blog, you can “check the archive to see how crazy”...
Sunday Poem Series
The Winter it is Past by Robert Burns The winter it is past, and the simmer comes at last, And the small birds sing on ev’ry tree: The hearts of these are glad, but...
Who Dey
My Bengals sweep The Steelers (face greginak) and go 4-0 this season against last year’ s entrants into the AFC Championship (Pittsburgh and Baltimore). The last time we won the AFC North and made...
Cincinnati-West Virginia Open Thread
Mark T. wants us to respect foozball in the Big East. Well, my hometown Bearcats have just gone up 21-14 in a game against the Mountaineers. Tony Pike comes off the bench with 2...
Friday Night Jukebox
To celebrate Mary Washington’s unprecedented semi-final showing at the recent Harvard Policy Debate Tournament, here’s a great song that includes a very random Harvard reference: Enjoy your weekend.
One more post on marriage-equality and religious liberty.
Lest my posts today paint me as some great apologist for the Catholic Church, may I turn your attention to my reaction last week to marriage-equality’s defeat in Maine and my disgust with the...
So today someone I know from high school came out on Facebook, and from what I understand, this was the first situation where he’s really come out as gay at all. It was great...
Taking the helmet out of football?
The Journal says that getting rid of helmets and the traditional three point stance may reduce the risk of head injuries on the football field. Pretty interesting stuff, although these solutions were first mentioned...
Gay marriage in D.C. ctd.
Thomas J Reese sums it up nicely, and says it all better than I have. Catholic Charities competes with private and nonprofit agencies for these contracts with the government deciding which organization will provide...
Pat Buchanan is OK with imperialism as long as we’re beating up the Mexicans
I mean, really, what else explains this latest column? For all his faults, I had at least taken Buchanan as a principled opponent of unnecessary foreign wars. Now he goes off and writes one...