Daily Archive: August 6, 2009

Wyden-Bennett (again)

The Wyden-Bennett “Healthy Americans Act” really is the most sensible health-care reform bill out there right now.  I don’t think health care reform is a hill worth dying on for conservatives (there are other,...

moment of pen

Last night on the Colbert Report, Stephen C. referred to Fancy Farm, KY (it has to do with the upcoming KY Senate Race in ’10) where he said “the pig s–t smells like perfume”. ...

The Darkness That Comes Before

How did I never hear of this book before?  R. Scott Bakker’s first novel and the first in The Prince of Nothing series is, for lack of a better word, tremendous.  I’m only about...

Time for Training Comrade

Doing a quick youtube research for Mike @ The Big Stick–he asked about a core exercise I found this video.  This is all kinds of awesome and should be the new internet sensation. The...

When the Lights Went Dim

When you get the chance, you should check out Kai Wright’s terrific piece in the American Prospect on the decline of the black middle class.  The short of it is that widespread “wealth poverty”...


As per Jaybird’s recommendations, I tried a workout of tabatas today.  I did it slightly differently than his version.  The one I did is 20 seconds on (full energy), 10 seconds rest, 20 second...

people like the post office

Sure they do.  It’s not a bad system, all told.  That said, with budget woes mounting and snail-mail on the decline, isn’t it time to scale back to four days a week?  There’s been...

In which I reveal my Loyalist sympathies

Via Spencer Ackerman is George Gilder’s pretty reprehensible argument in favor of Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories: [KATHRYN JEAN] LOPEZ: What do you mean these wretched refugees benefited from Israel? GILDER: The key period...

Words Fail

A former lobbyist for Pakistan has been hired by the State Department to coordinate aid to that country, which may highlight loopholes in the administration’s tough new lobbying rules, designed to slow Washington’s revolving...