Daily Archive: July 2, 2009

Blog Etiquette

After posting a response to critics of his Walmart/healthcare post without linking to a single critical entry, Matthew Yglesias decides to highlight this essay from Apartment 11D, lamenting the decline of blogospheric courtesy. WTF?



James Joyner points to this piece by Mark Tapcott, in which he says a lot of what many of us have been saying about appropriate discourse and the importance of language especially in regard...

one scene play

the imagined genesis of an article *ring*ring*ring* “Hello, this is Troy Patterson.” “TP! David Plotz here!” “David! What’s up.” “Ah, not much. Little down lately. I think I’ve finally wrung every last ounce I...

Pop Quiz

With Al Franken’s victory finally official, the Democrats will soon have a filibuster proof majority of 60 in the Senate, assuming Sens. Kennedy and Byrd are able to return to the floor or are...