Torture (II)


Will writes from Washington, D.C. (well, Arlington, Virginia). You can reach him at willblogcorrespondence at gmail dot com.

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7 Responses

  1. Cascadian says:

    And if torture becomes part of our national history, and in some circles identity?Report

  2. Will says:

    Then, quite frankly, we’re fucked.Report

  3. Danilo says:

    Maybe Americans will finally take off the rose-colored glassed with which their view their (our) country, as if it were the only one with a human rights tradition, or as if it had a perfect history. Many other Western countries have America beat on that score. That sounds harsh but as an American who has lived in Europe for a decade I am sick of all this uber-patriotism and collective handwringing. For a nation of “individualists” we are so collectivist and nationalistic that we sound like the Chinese or the Turks more than other Western countries. “America isn’t perfect, but carrying the passport of a country with such an honorable history has always felt very comforting”. How many of my Canadian and European friends think exactly the same thing about their countries. The US is an excellent country in some ways, but the US is hardly number one in any category. It made a terrible mistake with torture and Bush. But the most mature response – and the one that makes us look better abroad – is just for the government to become transparent, show what happened, apologize if necessary, promise not to do it again and move on. Every country has a dark side, all you can do is face it honestly. The US is a unique and valuable voice – among many good voices.Report

  4. matoko_chan says:

    Sign me up.
    Anyone that thinks America is not part of the global community should research Operation Ajax and its contribution to our current Iranian problems.
    Actions have consequences.Report

  5. Will says:

    Danilo –

    Honestly, I hardly think anyone here at the League is guilty of over-romanticizing the United States or its history. My point was simply that the United States – as well as a select few other countries (most of which are in Europe) – is the product of a unique political tradition that is both a) very fragile and b) worth preserving.Report

  6. Steven Donegal says:

    “Torture is a difficult subject.”

    No it’s not. Torture is a very easy subject–civilized people don’t do it. It’s the rationalizations for torture that are difficult.Report

  7. Katherine says:

    If preserving the moral and legal underpinnings of our constitutional system requires increasing our exposure to terrorism, that’s a risk I’m willing to take.

    I’m with you. I would phrase that from a Christian point of view rather than a constitutional one – but I don’t want my life to be defended by the use of torture. It’s not worth that.Report