Blame Congress For The Student Loan Debt Crisis
Since 1980, college tuition and fees are up 1,200%. It is insane. And Congress won’t do a damned thing about it.
Since 1980, college tuition and fees are up 1,200%. It is insane. And Congress won’t do a damned thing about it.
How much debt should you legally be able to take on before you can legally drink alcohol?
Elizabeth Warren delivered a student loan proposal which demands attention.
Repairing the student loan crisis should be a bipartisan issue and I’d even go so far as to say there’s a strong conservative case in favor of.
Student loan debt has surpassed auto loans and credit cards to become the second largest type of consumer debt in the country, behind home mortgages. Some predict that the effects of the student loan bubble popping will have similar effects as the housing market collapse of 2008.
At Rortybomb (which has migrated to Next New Deal), Mike Konczal takes arguments against lower rates on student loans to task. My only question is this: Are taxes owed to the U.S. government a kind...