Tagged: Star Wars

Darth Vader

Darth Vader Visits HR

Darth Vader: Your powers are growing weak, old man.
HR [aggravated]: Age is a protected class as well, Lord Vader. I understand that you are under a lot of stress…

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Tenshot: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

The final four episodes — which rival anything this side of The Empire Strikes Back — puts an exclamation point on one thing: this is not a series about Anakin Skywalker. The real protagonist of the series is Ahsoka Tano, his padawan.

Star Wars Episode VIII: The Best Jedi?

The Last Jedi is the Star Wars film I’ve most dreaded reviewing, and not for anything to do with the film itself. A small minority of self-described fans not only hate the film, but seem intent on ruining Star Wars for everyone else.