Things in Solitude
You can’t make sense of bad decisions people have been making in 2020 without considering how society has destroyed our sense of community.
You can’t make sense of bad decisions people have been making in 2020 without considering how society has destroyed our sense of community.
We should not reject the idea of white fragility. But we should beware of where it might take us if we’re not careful.
Now I’m wondering whether the professor wrote the riddle because it was already a dangerous question in mid-19th Century Germany.
Civilization is a Faberge egg. It is not just LIKE a Faberge egg, it IS a Faberge egg. Civilization is delicate, intricate, exquisite, and rare.
Depending on the media you consume, COVID-19 is either a mild sickness blown out of proportion…or it is the end of America as we know it.
Bigotry was not a life sentence, it was a decision people made, and so it was possible to choose something different. You could choose to change.
All human plans are provisional and the rules change every day. I say we keep gardening.
I am of the opinion that personal attacks about people’s coronavirus/quarantine anxiety are yet another pleasure we should probably forgo right now.
I realize the idea is to not discuss current events due to how morbid things have become, but wow, never read about a pandemic during one.
Keep government limited to the things it does well (if any) and I’ll worry about my own boobs.
The quick and easy response is that Christians really are guilty of everything attributed to them. But this explanation does not get at the heart of the issue.
The term “Charm” isn’t used all that much anymore, and to be honest the last time I heard it used in day to day conversation was to sound purposefully formal in describing someone. So maybe there is something to the notion it has fallen out of favor.
Almost immediately, a fresh front was opened in the perpetual war between free speech and outrage.