Tagged: sexism

Toxic Relationships

Masses of people agreeing to vote for officials who want to go to war, continue using the death penalty, and tend to oppose programs that would support the poor all so those officials will do little more than pay lip service to the virtue of female chastity surely isn’t the ideal arrangement for a democracy.

Much Ado about a Public Shaming

In his film version of Much Ado about Nothing, Joss Whedon highlights the social context that makes it acceptable for Claudio to shame Hero before her father and the wedding guests. There’s something rotten in the patriarchy of Messina.

The Myth of a Man

In Linky Friday #29, Will highlights a recent column in The Atlantic by Hugo Scwhyzer that asked, “What If Men Stopped Chasing Much-Younger Women?” His argument, that the Old Man/Young Woman relationship dynamic intrinsically harms...