Tuning Out
However you want to divvy it up, spin it, analyze it, or otherwise talk around it, there is a definitive trend line of lessening interest at each mile post of the Mueller investigation.
However you want to divvy it up, spin it, analyze it, or otherwise talk around it, there is a definitive trend line of lessening interest at each mile post of the Mueller investigation.
Lots and lots of hearings but almost no one is listening.
Robert Mueller has finally spoken, and says his statement today is his final word on the subject
AG Barr gives presser prior to releasing the redacted Mueller Report. Talk about it here.
The election has significant implications for politics in the region, especially considering ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia.
No one has read it. No one knows what’s in it. Everyone is reacting strongly to it.
How do you say, “Cry me a river” in Russian? Or better yet, sing it in Russian and post to Facebook, which Russia Today’s ‘In the Now’ can no longer do.
“Face it, Republicans. Trumpism is a slapdash replicate of P.T. Barnum’s Greatest Show on Earth. Moreover, like a ringmaster’s illusion, Trump and his sideshow of insatiable propagandists on a grander scale, consciously sold fake news, and hyper-partisanship to a trusting audience. Mike Pence as president, restores faith and sanity to our governmental institutions while providing an opportunity to salvage a doomed 2020.”
“Having a candidate silenced is a threat to American democracy,” The statement read. Let us leave the debate over whether or not the republic can endure 12 hours of Twitter silence from Austin Petersen for a moment, and deal with what this incident shows us about the man.
Everyone has that favorite book they have played out as a movie in their imagination. Mine is Red Storm Rising. If done properly it would be not only an epic piece of storytelling, but timely as well.
A Russian woman is under arrest and charged with acting as a foreign agent, but not as part of the ongoing Mueller Probe. Among other activities, her association with NRA events and other conservative groups are alleged to be part of a plan to win “back channel” relationships with the politically powerful.
DAG Rosenstein announced indictments of 12 Russian GRU members for various activities related to the 2016 Presidential Election.
A busy 48 hours in the international intrigue business, as two big name Vladimir Putin critics turned up in the news, with some very surprising results. First on Tuesday came news out of the Ukraine of what appeared to be another dissident journalist assassinated:
I made some silly jokes last night too, and I’m certainly no fan. But the facts aren’t all in on this one yet, so just hold up a bit. Lawfare did what I should have done: put on their critical thinking caps.
The man really is Richard Nixon, and he wants Vladimir Putin to be his G. Gordon Liddy.
This Week: Russia, Media, Housing, Resources, Gender, and History!
Boris Lutskovsky grew up in the Eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, and for years he thought of himself as a Russian. As tensions rise in the Bloodlands, Boris reflects on what it means to be Ukrainian.
Justin Trudeau–Liberal leader, charmer, philosopher prince–isn’t having such a good go of it. The Grits just wrapped up their policy convention, which (since it was in the middle of the Olympics*) I didn’t really...