Tagged: Republican Party


The GOP’s Gossip Girls

I will not believe that the GOP is tired of Trump until they say so publicly. Until that moment, they own this. All of it. Every corruption, every racist utterance, every violation of norms. Every dollar of debt, every pardoned war criminal, every dead Kurd.

James Madison

A One Party Nation

The Democratic Party is collapsing, and has been collapsing for a decade. Having the Presidency just hid all the rot happening elsewhere. Now we face the prospect of one party rule in a way we have not seen before, led by a type of President we have not seen before.

I’ve Got the Immigration Blues

The reason the GOP should pass an immigration bill is for its long-term viability. The party isn’t going anywhere any time soon, but the numbers show that relying solely on the white vote will make it harder to win the White House and Congress, not easier.