Struggling For Normal
For years, we struggled to bring our daughter up to the level of her peers. It turned out she was playing on a different field entirely.
For years, we struggled to bring our daughter up to the level of her peers. It turned out she was playing on a different field entirely.
I fervently hope that this anti-marriage sect on the right is completely unrepresentative, but I fear it may be more permanent.
What does it say about a society that normalizes finding out what is between a person’s legs before knowing anything else about them?
Let me tell you about being owned on Facebook by my mom, and I hope when I’m done I have adequately expressed my appreciation for her
Holiday memories force me to face my own mortality and reflect on my perspective of coming of age in a previous century.
With that kind of empowerment and love at home, the Vice President-Elect was almost guaranteed a life of success and confidence.
The evidence indicates people have been bitching about the insanity of their children dating all the way back to the mid 1800’s, and probably far beyond.
Parenting is terrifying, if this novella is any indication. And Schweblin makes much of the sheer terror of parenting
Board Game Symposium: Why don’t I play games with these gorgeous beasts I gave birth to? Am I just a bad mother? I think the answer is probably yes…
Four kids into my own parenting journey, I have learned a few things to do/not do, and seems like a good time to break out a few bits of hard earned wisdom.
Harry Potter, both on screen and in the books, is also about the many iterations of motherhood, how it manifests, and the many ways in which it alters the world.
My kids are unfamiliar with want. It was the constant, extended wanting that made me resolved to remove myself from poverty as an adult; my kids will have to find the motivation for that elsewhere.
My son cannot understand why anyone cared if the Hindenburg blew up because he is eleven years old and thinks the world is an anime.
Love is an active decision we make after being thrown together by fate or destiny.
In robotics, my son had found his “thing”, an organized activity which he enjoys and in which he excels. The only unsolicited information I get about his days at school is when he updates me on the progress of his team’s robot. On the team there are coders, builders, and drivers. “I’m a coder,” he likes to remind me.
If the shutdown continues, many families will have to deal with changes in their lifestyles. How much do kids need to know, and when?