Criminally Stupid Comes to the Border
This is how a bad situation potentially gets completely out of control quickly, and authorities are right to jump all over it.
This is how a bad situation potentially gets completely out of control quickly, and authorities are right to jump all over it.
This was just racism at its most basic, an expression of thoughtless contempt against a marginalized group.
Your Ordinary World ft links to stories on President Trumps Emergency Declaration, UK Labour split, Black History Month, how Gov’t shutdowns really happen, Tulsi Gabbard, and The Resistance resists for you to read, share, and discuss.
Presented without further comment, President Trump’s address to the nation from Tuesday, 8 January 2019 and the Democratic Response by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
With President Trump increasingly under fire and continually thwarted in his executive actions in court, administration officials like Mattis saying “strictly according to the law,” will be more important to the country than ever.
Border security in the United States and why it fails.
Leftists against immigration, the fall of Universion, reuniting California, and more…
From there to here, from here to there, people are moving everywhere.
While others have rightfully covered the bigotry involved in Laura Ingraham’s statement, the lies that sit at its premise must not be overlooked and excused away as trivial.
After days of controversy over the “border separation” policy, President Trump has signed an executive order addressing the policy, while calling for Congress to also act.
In my last post I was tough on the Democrats. Some readers pegged me as a closet Trump supporter with American flag pajamas. In this post I will lay that misconception (that I sleep in pajamas) to rest. 7 days ago Trump & Kim Jung Un shook hands. Today the universe is talking about one thing – children and border enforcement. Here’s my short summary.
Using outrage to draw an overreaction from opponents then becomes self-fulfilling prophecy of “See, those people really do hate us”; for Stephen Miller, immigration checks many boxes for engagement by enragement politics.
It is well-known that the foster care system is imperfect. Some complain that child protection agencies are not proactive enough, leaving children in harm’s way. Others accuse the agencies of engaging in “child stealing”. No matter which is true, one can hardly imagine an issue for which improvement is more crucial.