The Time Mike Ate The World’s Hottest Pepper
The following is humor. As far as we know the extent of Mike Pences’s knowledge of the Lanthanide series is not, in fact, a matter of public record.
The following is humor. As far as we know the extent of Mike Pences’s knowledge of the Lanthanide series is not, in fact, a matter of public record.
Most people don’t associate Mike Pence with a swathe of retail destruction the likes of which would impress Genghis Khan himself, but it happened once.
Humor: “It was at a rest stop outside of Dayton, Ohio that the hunger kicked in. Mike Pence and I were with our roommate Dick Richards buying snack foods and drinks”
Parody: To this day, Mike Pence carries a sharpened Newberry Knife about with him at all times, just in case.
While getting by in strange times, I read a book of short stories about how average Ukrainians got by before and after the fall of Communism.
“What better place to hide, my dear daughter, but within the cloak of British respectability,” Nathaniel said.
Original Fiction from Michael Siegel: “Kate made one last check, nodded to Samson and then slowly undid the seals on her helmet…”
Parenting is terrifying, if this novella is any indication. And Schweblin makes much of the sheer terror of parenting
Looking for the beginning of my Jane Austen-Bram Stoker mashup? Part 1 Part 2 After having spent a fitful night asleep at his desk tormented by dreams which ranged from blackest nightmare to flights...
“Sisters are prone to jealousy, Mr. Blackabee. Some cannot bear to know that one of them wants something that they cannot all have.”
Here you go, a vampire story in the style of Jane Austen, just in time for Valentine’s Day.
A friend’s favorite book from last year, which describes a terrorist attack that either happened or did not happen, depending on which timeline we’re living through.
School had been out for a long time; longer than Jack could remember. He wasn’t sure why they’d had to stay away. But he was excited to be going back.
Is Breaking Bad’s Skyler White the least sympathetic character in all of fiction?
Reading a novel set in my current city three decades ago made me wonder how important setting is for fiction. Let’s talk about it.