Tagged: family
Marriage is Good, Actually
I fervently hope that this anti-marriage sect on the right is completely unrepresentative, but I fear it may be more permanent.
Roundabout Friends
I’ve been thinking about the nature of friendship lately. I’m sure of one thing: roundabout friends are solid.
Thoughts of a Hypocritical Conservative
Thoughts on the gap between what I practice and what I preach.
What’s Left Behind
Grandma’s house was my happy place as a child, as is the case for many people; grandparent magic is a known phenomenon.
Life, Legacy, and Divine Intervention
I know it’s never the “fault” of the person responsible for fixing it, so I always try to keep my cool when life gets in the way of my plans
American Pickers, Picking and Grinning
American Pickers is of particular in my household, a working-class family with parents/contemporaries who lived through the Great Depression.
Food, or Eating Your Beans and Cornbread Thankfully Like An Adult
For the sake of not talking politics for a moment, let us indulge ourselves of this social media food outrage du jour.
Tradition & Memory: A Child’s Christmas In Wales
A Child’s Christmas in Wales is itself, and in being itself it speaks to variegated experiences beyond its author’s own knowledge.
To Thine Own Soul be Authentic
My family watched the new Pixar film, Soul, and let me tell you it is the gut punch that we all need right now.
O (Fake) Christmas Tree
Instead of dragging out all the tired Christmas clichés and 2020 jokes, I’ll just share a little story about a lesson learned and the spirit of Christmas.
Richard Pryor’s Father and the Transforming Truth of Fatherhood
The fear of my father is transforming, evolving, not less in fear, but growing in it, producing a fruit, of sorts.
A Coronavirus Garden in the Sun
So, despite being an avid vegetable gardener, I have not been able to indulge in my hobby, having to keep myself limited to a couple flower beds, hanging baskets, and plants that mice don’t have a taste for.