SCOTUS Strikes California’s In-Home Covid Limits: Read It For Yourself
The Supreme Court struck down in-home Covid limits that were part of California’s Covid restrictions 5-4. Read it for yourself
The Supreme Court struck down in-home Covid limits that were part of California’s Covid restrictions 5-4. Read it for yourself
How often do we get the chance to link our discomfort with an apocalyptic orange sky to a decades-old sci-fi novel?
No, not Katie Hill, who made a good run at the biggest scandal in the Cali delegation but fell short to Duncan Hunter. The still Representative of CA-50 will reportedly change his “not guilty” plea Tuesday in court.
The past isn’t ever really past, and ghosts don’t ever die. So instead of avoiding them or feeling bad, maybe try confronting them a little bit?
Gavin Newsome signed the Fair Play To Pay Act, despite NCAA threats that allowing athletes to monetize their likenesses would lead to severe consequences.
It is instinctive to feel that Katie Steinle’s case cries out for justice. But the newest ruling is from a legal standpoint, not ideological.
Plenty of discussion has centered around the California housing situation, especially the prices and lack of availability in the bay area since the tech explosion brought enormous wealth to one of America’s most unique cities, San Francisco. “Demolishing the California Dream: How San Francisco Planned Its Own Housing Crisis” by Hunter Oatman-Stanford is a detailed examination of the history of that great city, and how it came to be the go-to example of the modern housing debate.
A few words from a momentarily homeless editor emeritus.
Burt Likko has one of those sorts of problems that really aren’t such bad problems to have.
Don’t call it a comeback, they have been at it for years. #Calexit has returned.
News from Russia, Asia the Middle East, Europe, California, and the (rest of) United States!
Another breakdown on the election and, in particular, where the Democratic Party goes from here.
Burt Likko thought he’d found an obscure and delightful piece of Americana. Turns out he was only half right.
The wisdom of a sports movie and the insight of a litigator show that the best time is now — right now — for the nation to reconcile some of its deep social fissures.
Hiram Johnson’s worst nightmare threatens to crawl out of a nasty little cave in Orange County, California.