The Shifting Politics of Abortion
The gripping hand with Trump and the politics of abortion is that he does not really care. And abortion will always be legal for the rich.
The gripping hand with Trump and the politics of abortion is that he does not really care. And abortion will always be legal for the rich.
The Republican Party reinventing itself is not going to be easy with Republican officeholders doubling down on the old anti-abortion formula
If making the case a judge can unilaterally ban a drug that has been safely used for 23 years…you’re going to need to do better than this.
Two federal judges take conflicting stands over mifepristone, the medication used in more than half of the abortions in America.
Answering the problem of the GOP dog having caught the Roe V. Wade car with the Dobbs ruling this past summer
In an appeal to Republican voters ahead of the midterms to NOT abandon the GOP, Graham has introduced a national abortion restriction bill in the Senate.
The disparate intersection between generally correlated political positions on abortion in the US and support for free market principles.
Like most things legal, it all comes down to the wording of the various state statutes, because the word “abortion” has different meanings, depending on who you ask.
One of the biggest criticisms of the attempt to ban abortion or institute gun control is the simple pragmatic one: It won’t work.
Still, to this day, RIGHT NOW, many many women do not feel comfortable having honest conversations with other women about abortion.
Regardless of your beliefs on abortion or the legitimacy of Roe, you should oppose and be worried by what we’re seeing in Texas
Linky Friday, Ordinary Times tradition of links and stories from around the web plus every you might have missed from week that was.
The Robert’s Court has ruled 5-4 to strike down a Louisiana law regulating abortion clinics and the doctors that oversea them.
The most passionate of all our political debates is about to get a whole new, ugly chapter in it’s long history opened up.
The debate surrounding the definition of personhood isn’t new, but it also hasn’t proven to be very consequential in terms of its impact on the modern abortion debate. The introduction of artificial wombs could change all of that
“Like Planned Parenthood, Obria Medical Clinics want Medicaid and Title X funding from the Trump Administration to protect Women’s healthcare, and gives birth to a game-changing political narrative for the Pro-life movement, and a newly Pro-choice-controlled-Congress. The right to choose now holds a brand new meaning.”
Six of the nine justices voted to deny certiorari in Gee vs. Planned Parenthood of Gulf Coast, Inc. and Andersen v. Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri. But while these cases do contain the trigger words “Planned Parenthood”, the denial of cert does not reflect the temperature of the Court on the issue of abortion.
Life doesn’t often present you with moral temptations where the right and wrong answer are so easy to see.
I’ve never done this before — promoted my own comment, that is. But I think I got a pretty decent thought out there.