Saturday Morning Gaming: Gaming Frugally 2
There are new free games for you to tinker with as you wait for this interminable lockdown to end.
There are new free games for you to tinker with as you wait for this interminable lockdown to end.
Spring Cleaning…but in the fall. So you’ve gotten rid of the stuff that does not spark joy. Now what?
Haruki Murakami returns with “First Person Singular”: eight short stories that read like memories that might have been dreamed or imagined. In the end, it’s all the same.
Anyway, I’ve gotta get back to Diablo II Resurrected. I need to be able to start doing Nightmare Mephisto runs.
It’s time to go through the closets again and we have said “SERIOUSLY, WE ARE GOING TO DO A CULL” and that is the plan for this weekend.
Joyce Carol Oates is a great novelist and I admire in her 1986 novel, but alas, it was an attraction that never turned into love.
The first step is admitting you have a problem. Paradox Interactive went back to a save point, I guess.
When I was a teenager, I could easily sleep for 10 hours.
That was a long time ago.
This week, we examine another work that sounds even more like late Mozart. “Sounds like late Mozart” is high praise. For anyone.
Sean Avery Medlin sings, and dreams, and recreates, and dances themself in 808s and Otherworlds, a book of “Memories, Remixes, and Mythologies” released this week by Two-Dollar Radio
Diablo II, for real this time. It’s out, It’s awesome… but the servers are slammed.
Seriously, you’d pay $19 for this Chicken Caesar Salad at a fancy schmancy restaurant and not feel ripped off after you sopped up the last of the dressing with your roll.
Wharton’s American Gothic at least makes the case that hell is a lot colder than we’d imagined. Her character, Ethan Frome isn’t so lucky.
Tharsis is a horror-themed game set in outer space that combines everything you love from Darkest Dungeon and Yahtzee. With cannibalism.
Kingdom Come came and went and there were a bunch of bands that did their best to sound like Led Zep. Hey, it’s not like Zeppelin is putting out any new albums.
One of the great joys in life is opening a new board game and playing something that you’ve never played before
“I appreciate you being candid with me, Jaybird. Go talk to the Big Manager Guy…” And so now I have been put in charge of The Study Group.
Tolstoy’s great short story “The Death of Ivan Ilyich” is really about how we avoid thoughts of death, and in doing so, sidestep our lives all together.
Imagine a video game where your task is to go through the basement under the antique shop or Warehouse 13 itself. That’s Control.
Since then, I’ve learned that I went to In-N-Out incorrectly. I ordered off of the menu, you see. “You have to order off of the *SECRET* menu!”, I have since been informed