Objects Have Free Will; People Don’t
A review of The Hunger Games: Mockingbird: Part II. And some Rube Goldberg machines.
A review of The Hunger Games: Mockingbird: Part II. And some Rube Goldberg machines.
Not paranoid enough!
Not paying taxes for 18 years is not necessarily tax evasion
Consequentialists are allowed to think about the consequences of their actions. That’s the whole point.
Blogging is fun. Why do so few women in the economics profession do it? Vikram mansplains.
Donald Trump is not the person who said the most annoying thing about race this week.
Remember the embarrassing Chinese laundry detergent commercial? Here is an uncontroversial one.
Racism can be a direct consequence of excluding race as a factor when you make judgments
Trump’s probability of winning the nomination was not 1.5625%.
Are we addicted to outrage or just narcissistic opinion-having?
A CEO crashing his car is an accident. A CEO crashing his car and dying a day after being indicted for criminal charges is not.
A win for Black Lives Matter creates suspicion in China.