@KarlreMarks: A building based on journalistic and political clichés – Twitter
I designed a building based on journalistic and political clichés.
I designed a building based on journalistic and political clichés.
Rubio alone proposes reforms (zeroed-out investment taxes, zeroed-out inheritance taxes, significantly reduced corporate taxes) designed to minimize (and in many cases eliminate) the tax liabilities of members of the Republican donor class. Though Rubio...
Also, stop being scared of babies.
In Thursday’s MSNBC debate Rachel Maddow, having raised the specters of George McGovern and Barry Goldwater, briefly acknowledged Sanders’ general election lead (“I know you have good head to head polling numbers… right now”)...
“Every candidate has an interest in attacking at least one opponent. Top tier candidates need a strong showing in the state, while lower-tier candidates have their very survival at stake. There is no longer cause for anybody to hold their fire.”
As was the case in the last century when American presidents attempted to look the other way when governments elected to slaughter their own citizens, the president can fall back on a solid wall...
The aim was to standardise and simplify certain quirks in the written language making it easier to learn (among them chariot to charriot to harmonise with charrette, both words for a type of cart...
A handful of emails forwarded to Hillary Clinton’s personal server while she was secretary of state contained references to undercover CIA officers — including one who was killed by a suicide attack in Afghanistan,...
#ParsimonyGate turned into one big airing of grievances. One scientist called the group a cult and another suggested the editorial must have been either a joke, prank, or hoax.The thing is, few in the...
Bernie Sanders Plays Role of Rabbi in 1999 Low-Budget Comedy “My X-Girlfriend’s Wedding Reception” – YouTube
Senator Rand Paul is dropping out of the presidential race, a move that has journalists reaching back to 2014, when Paul was leading the polls and people were arguing that he was a good...
From a European perspective, this is deeply worrying. It is well known that a British departure would deal a devastating blow to European integration, possibly causing an already-fragile process to unravel.
Clinton also displayed continuing weakness in connecting with voters. The quarter of Democratic voters who want a candidate who “cares about people like you” preferred Sanders by three to one. Those who wanted a...
Iowoah? Iowoe? Iowetoldyaso? Iowon to New Hampshire!
I can confirm that the FoxNews report, which lacks any specifics about exactly what was compromised, is accurate. And what was actually in those Top Secret emails found on Hillary’s “unclassified” personal bathroom server...
Every once in a while, when I’m feeling overwhelmed, I watch college commencement ceremonies on YouTube. These rituals remind me how perverse our higher-education system is—and of the empty idealism that colleges and universities...
The desire to bring the economy into the modern world, the urge to rationalize and privatize—these are straight out of Mikhail Gorbachev’s playbook. (If you doubt this, read Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s recent Economist interview as...
It seems that with the exception of the French not too many Europeans are willing to fight for anything. Pacifism is on the rise in Europe and in the welfare state many are tempted...