Monday Trivia, No. 157 [Michael Cain wins!]
I give you ten nouns: cougar, eagle, falcon, hawk, jaguar, , panther, , wildcat. That’s an alphabetical list.
,But each animal has a corresponding number. Rank them from the highest number to the smallest number.
@burtlikko, and his Flipboard at Burt Likko.
Burt Likko is the pseudonym of an attorney in Southern California. His interests include Constitutional law with a special interest in law relating to the concept of separation of church and state, cooking, good wine, and bad science fiction movies. Follow his sporadic Tweets at
Is this a complete list?Report
Rntyrf, gvtref, cnaguref, jvyqpngf, yvbaf, pbhtnef, snypbaf, unjxf, obopngf, wnthnef. Jvyq pneaviberf hfrq nf fcbegf znfpbgf, va beqre bs cbchynevgl. Ornef abg ba gur yvfg orpnhfr gurl’er bzaviberf.Report
What about wolves?Report
I believe that wolves are technically omnivores, and can survive on a carefully constructed vegetarian diet.Report
Eagle, Tiger, Panther, Wildcat, Lion, Cougar, Falcon, Hawk, Bobcat, Jaguar?
I’m thinking that you’re going for number of high-schools with that animal as a mascot.Report
…And now I’ve seen that Mr. Cain was on the same wavelength.Report
I threw it up because it seemed obvious. On further reflection, perhaps too obvious, and Burt has something more subtle in mind?Report
@michael-cain tbg gb fcbegf znfpbgf zhpu snfgre, ohg @mark-thompson tbg vg zber cerpvfryl pbeerpg. V’z abg cerpvfryl fher jub gb njneq gur jva gb, naq V qvfyvxr senpgvbany jvaf.
Abgvat gur cyrguben bs oveqf naq pngf ba gur yvfg nyybjf n ovg bs zvfqverpgvba. V unq gb bzvg frireny xvaqf bs uhzna orvatf (jneevbef, Vaqvnaf, xavtugf, Gebwnaf, ivxvatf, envqref, Fcnegnaf, cngevbgf, cvengrf, pehfnqref, eroryf, fnvagf, oenirf, cvbarref), frireny bgure xvaqf bs navznyf (ohyyqbtf, zhfgnatf, enzf, pneqvanyf, ubeargf, ornef, jbyirevarf, uhfxvrf, jbyirf), n unaqshy bs fhcreangheny be zlguvpny ragvgvrf (oyhr qrivyf, erq qrivyf, gvgnaf, qentbaf) naq gjb bguref gung qba’g pynffvsl rnfvyl (punetref, ebpxrgf).
Nofrag sebz gur yvfg bs znfpbgf jvgu 100+ uvtu fpubbyf vapyhqr: 49ref, nagrngref, nneqinexf, onanan fyhtf, oebapbf, pbeny, qbycuvaf, wrgf, cnpxref, “frnunjxf,” gbegbvfrf, naq mroen.
Pbzr gb guvax bs vg, ner pneqvanyf pneaviberf? Gurl bayl rng tehof, jbezf, naq vafrpgf, evtug?Report
Jvgu gung ornx? Pneqvanyf ner frrq-rngref.Report
Eagle, Tiger, Panther, Lion, Hawk, Cougar, Wildcat, Falcon, Bobcat, Jaguar?Report
I’m going to give @michael-cain the win here, because got the right order first. While @mark-thompson got exactly the right answer and the right reason why, the phrasing of the question was simply to sort the list entries in the right order, which @michael-cain did first.Report
Is there a link to a site which descrambles the comments? And since people do this on a regular basis, could someone please put a link to the translator somewhere on the front page?
Incoherently yrs,Report
Your favorite browser may well have a plugin to scramble/unscramble text without needing to copy, paste, or open another tab. I know that Chrome has several. I use d3coder, which can do a ridiculous number of things, e.g. sdrawkcab og txet ekam nac ti.Report
I use Leet Key in Firefox.Report
Don’t you think we’ve talked about Mozilla enough?Report
Even my browser is bigoted (against advertisements).Report