Major Gun Control Victory
An arms trafficker in San Francisco was arrested for conspiracy to traffic in firearms without a license and to illegally import firearms. No matter which side of the aisle you sit on, I’m pretty sure that we can all be glad that this guy is no longer on the street.
I very much agree with this, though I suspect it was meant sarcastically.Report
The 2nd Amendment doesn’t say anything about issuing licenses or restricting imports. Where’s the NRA when you need them?Report
I’m not familiar enough to be able to say with any certainty, but there’s an argument that the NRA represents the interests of gun owners less than gun manufacturers. If that’s the case, then there might be a certain reluctance to focus on ease of importing weapons.
I know, it’s all in fun all the way around, but I’d like to know more about how the NRA is viewed by gun-owners and hunting enthusiasts. Could anyone point me to anything useful?Report
Tod already posted about Yee in an off the cuff.Report
That was a John Woo post.Report
From the linked story, there’s this paragraph:
Which seems to be reflected in the NYT’s piece on spite, reporting on research into spite. Toward the bottom, there’s this:
Eh, I think it’s just as likely that he wanted to keep prices high.Report
I have to say, if these charges are true, this is a pretty spectacular case of corruption. Like, original-Robocop-villain type stuff.Report
True story: Since I wrote about the gangster Shrimp Boy, I’m getting emails from a company called Lucky Gunner. They are rebranding some of their ammo “Shrimp Boy Ammo” at close out prices.Report
Eh, I think it’s just as likely that he wanted to keep prices high.
I cant’ tell if your hipsterizing here, but either way it’s not inconsistent with anything zic said.Report
That’s the danger of publishing under with a byline. I still get fan mail, hate mail, and the occasional offer so good that you just know there’s a free lunch out there somewhere; usually ending with a sucker.Report
@jaybird There’s a Japanese animation that takes place in Chicago that involves a mayoral candidate who is pushing for gun control because he’s actually a big-time gun-runner.
I don’t think that I’ve ever seen that plot on an American TV show. Drugs, maybe, but not guns.Report
After having one enthusiastic fan show up to his house, my friend-the-writer doesn’t use real names anymore (actually, he wasn’t then, either. dunno how she managed to weasel it out of his publisher). Also, it’s totally awkward when you realize that your 20something fan is older than you are.Report
It’s not often that you come across someone who is a bootlegger and a Baptist.Report
you don’t travel much in the south, do you?
[South has most of the dry counties, after all.]Report
There’s a Richard Condon novel called Mile High that portrays Prohibition as a Mafia-generated plan to create new businesses. It’s a very entertaining story until it falls completely apart at the end.Report
Much like The Parralax View.
Few writers out there who can both hit as far and as short as Richard Condon.Report
I read way too many of his novels because, surely, a few of them had to be as good as The Manchurian Candidate.Report
None of them were. And don’t call me Shirley.Report
Damnit, I was hoping to get some RPGs and a 7.62MM minigun for my up armored Surburban through those guys.
I guess I’ll have to go through the ATF, via the Mexicans, now. :pReport
Seems like a we-love-guns-and-throwing-people-in-jail kind of story to me. Feel free to choose your own “we”.Report
Was he a state senator?Report
Oh, fish, it was that guy! I didn’t click the link. Ugh.Report
I’m sorry I’m confused. He is a minority Democrat and is pro-gun control but is corrupt and accused of running guns? This must the work of the Kochs framing him, their invisible hand is everywhere.Report
By saying “minority”, are you trying to make a point out of his being Asian? Like, “Oh, liberals think everyone who isn’t white is a perfect angel, but this sure shows them!”
Scoring points over his political party makes sense, but why bring race into it in that particular way?Report
I thought his being Asian adds to the irony. Liberals tell everyone that people of color suffer from gun violence more often so he is causing the problem that his liberal friends use to try and take away my 2nd admin rights.Report