Death of a City and a Region
In the comments to James’ post, Rufus writes about the city of my birth to suggest that perceptions on the death of American manufacturing writ large are at least partially the result of regional declines:
I wonder how it varies according to region. I lived for a while in Buffalo and, understandably, there were lotsof people there who really believed that American manufacturing has come to an end. But their image was understandably skewed. Manufacturing didn’t even come to an end in Buffalo; it was just that Bethlehem Steel was such a big employer in the region that the removal of that one domino felt like the others were collapsing too.
In a follow up, Rufus writes:
I think it has a lot to do with where you live. I should also mention that I hope my comment didn’t sound glib- Bethlehem Steel employed something like 200,000 people, so when it left, that profoundly altered Buffalo. If I’m not mistaken, the population there has halved since 1983 when the plant closed. But, again, there are probably places in the country that have a very different opinion of the healty of US manufacturing from that held in Buffalo.
There are a few things in Rufus’ comments that I want to correct, but I also want to take a look at the tragedy that has been unfolding in Buffalo and Western New York for the last several decades, and may well only accelerate. I think ultimately the case of Western New York (and really upstate New York more generally) also presents a failure of democracy.
First a few corrections to Rufus:
1. Buffalo’s population has halved since 1950, not since the 1980s – the city was in a long state of decline even before Bethlehem Steel shut down. Since the 80s, it’s lost about 20-25% of that population, which is horrifying in and of itself.
2. Bethlehem Steel employed 20,000 in the Buffalo area, not 200,000, and at the time its demise began in the 60s, Buffalo was one of the 15 largest cities in the country. So closing Bethlehem Steel was terrible for the city, but it was just one of many.
3. In fact, in Buffalo, there are virtually no manufacturing jobs left. Not a single manufacturer is listed amongst the 10 largest private employers in Western New York – you’re basically left with the health care industry (largely a function of WNY’s aging population – most people who are young and well-educated leave), supermarkets, the Niagara casino, and HSBC. And HSBC may be close to leaving town, or at the very least abandoning the city’s tallest building. It’s not a pretty picture.
So you have a situation where the majority of the population is only qualified for manufacturing jobs or retail. There are ample universities in WNY and CNY, but local kids are largely priced out and the schools wind up being heavily populated by students from NJ and downstate NY, and to a lesser extent the Boston, Philly, and Pittsburgh suburbs. The local kids who are able to afford college come out and find that they’re overqualified for the jobs that are around, and thanks to the state’s overregulation and taxation combined with 40 years of frequently corrupt mismanagement of the city, there’s no hope of any employers with good jobs moving to the city. I’ve got no idea where they’ll be able to turn if HSBC goes away. Most likely many of them will just join the Rust Belt migration to places like Charlotte, which has become a city of educated Rust Belt refugees.
What is saddest of all is what will happen – and is happening – to those who remain. The college educated remaining primarily work for the local, state, or federal government. Those without a college education on the other hand largely either work as health care providers for the elderly or in retail, and they lack the resources to obtain qualifications to do much more since there’s no manufacturing sector jobs. The elderly lifelong residents are dying rapidly and most of the Baby Boom generation with means already left the city, so the number of elderly to care for will probably not increase, and may well decline. Retail may not be a good career, but it’s better than nothing – but even that depends heavily on having a good number of folks in the area with decent amounts of disposable income. In other words, the future of even retail in Central and Western New York will have a limited shelf-life if the region’s population decline continues to draw disproportionately from the college-educated. True, the retail sector can and will continue to look to the prosperous regions of Ontario just across Niagara Falls, but there has been a desperate need for another bridge for decades to facilitate that, and the increasing security theater at the border isn’t exactly helping things either.
The good news for Buffalo is that its long-term decline has been so severe that it was largely unscathed by the recession, and actually spent the recession with a lower unemployment rate than most of the country. There’s even some voices who claim that the city is poised to see its banking industry undergo an unprecedented take off in the restructured economy (there are also people who actually believe that a new bridge to Canada will be built someday; then there are the people who live in the real world). Despite this, and underscoring the extent to which the economy of the city and region remain in a death spiral independent from the global economy, Buffalo is one of only two American cities that are “still in decline.”
On one hand, the tale of how upstate New York got to this point is a tale of the downside of Progress. Much of the region’s (and especially Buffalo’s) economy was once based on its location on the Erie Canal. The opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway, combined with the efficiency of the Eisenhower Interstate System, made that geography largely obsolete.
But on the other hand, it’s a failure of democracy, and not only because of the corruption that upstate New Yorkers have faced all too often. The region sits in a state that is consistently ranked amongst the least friendly to business in the country due to its taxation and heavy regulation. While this fact may not have caused the problem, it has certainly made it extremely difficult to fix the problem. This isn’t going to be a rant about overregulation and taxation of business though; it is in fact entirely possible that the regulation and taxation make quite a bit of sense for the state government as a whole, and some may have even made a certain amount of sense for upstate NY when they were first enacted.
The fact is that most of the state’s revenue has always come from the downstate region around New York City. And that region has factors at play that have made it desirable for businesses for centuries, no matter how much they are taxed or regulated. That region has been the most populous in the country ever since our nation was founded. It has a cachet that is unique not only in the country, but in the entire world. Educated elites have always and will always move to New York City because that’s where they can make a name for themselves, while poor immigrants have always and will always seek out New York City because it is the very symbol of economic opportunity. There are few places in the world where businesses can find that kind of a labor pool, to say nothing of the independent marketing cachet of a New York address.
So the State can do virtually whatever it wants, and it will still be able to live off its Gothamite bread and butter. There may have even been a time, back when the Erie Canal or its successor canal system was still an important waterway, when the State could do whatever it wanted and have relatively little effect on upstate such that those taxes and regulations were even beneficial to upstate.
But now, the price is that upstate’s vitality withers away on the vine as its local governments are unable to create conditions for sustainable economic growth. Occasionally, the politicians in Albany see these effects on upstate and throw money at the problem. This money may even help lessen the problem’s effects, creating reasonably secure government jobs or a relatively strong social safety net. There may even be times when upstate politicians legitimately find it in their constituents’ best interests to support new regulations and taxes, provided that upstate sees more money.
Thus results the failure of democracy and democratic compromise. The interests of the government and the interests of its constituents are often not the same thing. Even where they have some similarities, they can be short-sighted, with one interest group’s representatives all too willing to sacrifice long-term health for short-term help. And yet the more that long-term health is sacrificed, the more important it becomes to strengthen those short-term measure intended to help matters. Eventually, the affected region may become too dependent on those assistance measures to take the steps necessary to reverse the course in the long run. If cutting a tax that is onerous for upstate’s ability to attract business will nonetheless at least temporarily pull the last threads of rug out from under upstate because it is on net profitable for the state and thus generates revenue for upstate, then it will be tough to justify cutting that tax.
One is ultimately left wondering if perhaps the only real solution to this problem is divorce, splitting the state at the Hudson River. Regardless, the tragedy of upstate New York should be an allegory for the potential pitfalls of large-scale political action over constituents with extraordinarily inapposite interests.
I’m glad to hear I misremembered some of those figures, but like you said it’s still pretty dire. I always wondered if they could give some sort of sweetheart deal to filmmakers to shoot there- the architecture in that city is just incredible. Every time I visit downtown Buffalo, I think they could shoot the next Batman film there and have to change nothing to do so.Report
J0hn Wesley Powell suggested that state lines in the south west be drawn based on river drainages not along arbitrary lines as they have been. I think there are good reason to think the way our state lines have been drawn lead to serious problems. I would think upstate NY has a lot more in common with vermont, parts of penn., nh and maine. While do have differing political cultures in most other ways they are a more coherent unit then upstate and downstate ny. Having large metro areas spread over two states, Philly- Penn and NJ, NY- NY and NJ, doesn’t seem to make much sense either. That leads to one state getting more of the benefits while both have to deal with capital costs for mass transit.Report
Haven’t read all of this yet, but just want to say that I’m pleased with the direction that the discussion here has taken today. I won’t say keep it up, because it’s clearly been organic and unplanned, but I think it’s very useful.Report
Thanks for this. I’ve been in Buffalo exactly once, and thought it was a beautiful city. It seems like a great place to buy a beautiful old house at a great price, a gerat place to raise children, and a great place to send them to a great university. But what then for them?
I don’t really understand Buffalo. The decline of the other major American city that’s lost half it’s population, Detroit, seems easier to comprehend. As I understand (if I understand) Buffalo’s growth was led by cheap energy. Presumably they still have that cheap hydropower? But apparently cheap energy isn’t a big enough factor in business costs to be a sufficient draw for manufacturers anymore–at least in comparison to transportation costs?
But what you say about the upstate/downstate problem certainly helps explain the continuing difficulty in recovering. I’m a big believer in self-determination within a decentralized federal system (don’t anybody dare ask me where I draw the line on that self-determination, because I don’t know). So I think it is time that we seriously consider some redrawing of state boundaries, dependent upon the wishes of the people in the sections that would either merge elsewhere or become new states. (And with the “left behind” portions denied a veto in any part that wants to lead.) It would require a constitutional change, and it would be messy, but I think the long-term results would be beneficial, even if only a couple of places, like western NY or NorCal did it.Report
Living near buffalo I think I can shed light on a couple of things. Insofar as cheap power that is somewhat true, but the damn is owned and operates as a charted corporation that is tied to new york state. Most of the power that it generates goes downstate to moderate power rates in areas that don’t generate enough power to keep the lights on (like nyc and albany). Our power is mostly from a couple of coal plants in the area. Though some is required to go to us for commercial use but that has been in the courts for most of my life time.
We have a significant but aging infrastructure that is very costly to maintain. This would normally be a strength but it is heavily tied to old manufacturing sites that are in some cases nearly impossible to clean up enough for new builds. Bethlehem Steel is a great example of it as it is still a brown field, as is most of Niagara falls and the old chemical plants that it used to hold.
As transportation costs go until the security theater after 9/11 we still had plenty of industries in the area that provided Toronto with goods but they have mostly folded up due to the issues at the border (it used to take ~90mins, 2 hours if the bridge was packed,to go downtown to downtown now on a good day you can do it in 3-4 hours)
Hope that can help on some of your questions, note Detroit has alot of the same problems as most of this is due in large part to modern technology making it possible to live in areas like the south that would be unpleasant to say the least with out air conditioning.Report
Floating things and pushing them along slowly is a fantastically efficient way to move goods. I reckon if you can stand the cold, Buffalo is a fair chance for return on a real estate investment.Report
As has been pointed out the St. Lawrence Seaway was opened about the time Buffalo began its decline. After this lake ships did not have to unload at Buffalo, as sea going ships could make it into the upper lakes. Second looking at Rochester as well its major industry (Kodak) just plain dried up and blew away over the last 20 years. I suspect that if you look at it the period around 1900 was the period of peak relative prosperity of upstate New York, with the 20th century being a period of slow and then more rapid decline. An interesting question is to look at Hamilton On, and ask how it compares with Buffalo, Hamilton being a town with major steel as well.Report
Okay, I’m not going to rush into answering this one, since the first half of this post is correcting shit I got wrong about Buffalo! But, if you have some general areas that you’d like to know how they compare, I can do the research this time and come back. I’ve lived in both Hamilton and Buffalo and still know people to ask.Report
Great post, Mark. But maybe I’ll jump in and be the naysayer.
Does a case like Buffalo need a villain to be explained? I know that it’s often on target to think of things not working out as being due to bad governance. Or, for that matter, corporate greed. But isn’t there a case to be made that times change, and just as certain cities thrive due to the changes others whither- not because of bad reform or taxation policies or political shinanegans, but just because times change, and not every city can be an up and comer?
In other words, is it a failure of the system, or is it just the system working itself out, suck-y though it may be?Report
Good point RTod.
Consider the mass urbanisation during the Industrial Revolution. What would that look like to the rural communities that were being hollowed out? Suddenly there’s not enough hands at harvest time, the church pews are always half empty and even the pubs can barely stay open. It would look like the end of the world, but it was one of the greatest moment of human progress in history.Report
I agree that the deterioration of Buffalo does not itself call for a villain. Or at least I think it is probably wrong to think of Progress as a villain. However, Buffalo and upstate NY are not the first places whose economies have become obsolete in American history. But they seem unable to adapt to the new reality in a peculiar way. It has been about 60 years and yet it still hasn’t stabilized. The tax And regulatory framework designed for Downstate is a big part of that.Report
But, again, maybe there is no “adapt”. Maybe “everyone moved somewhere else” is how the region “adapts”.Report
Maybe, maybe not – the problem I’m talking about isn’t necessarily just that “everyone moved somewhere else,” it’s that there’s still going to be people that remain, who have no capacity for adaptation. I do not think many would consider “upstate NY shall be a permanent welfare case that shall be a drain on downstate NY but shall be barred from taking steps that might allow it cease being a permanent welfare case” to be a conclusion that is consonant with any definition of “adapt.”Report
Really good post, and a lot of fine comments as well. At the risk of being shallow, I have to add—I think the weather really is a factor. A Buffalo winter is a brutal, harrowing thing, and always has been. If good-paying jobs are drying up there, why in hell stick around a place that gets like 20 feet of snow every winter?
If the more doom-tastic climate change predictions turn out to be true, though, there could be an upside. Buffalo in 2030, with milder winters and few droughts, could be very appealing again.Report