Making A Conversation Out of Talking Points

Bufford, John Henry, 1810-1870.; Homer, Winslow, 1836-1910. [Public domain]
This piece is about seeing past the vapid talking points, and making a conversation out of what lies beneath. There are clear culprits who have facilitated the current situation, but the operative assumption is that most readers here will be thoughtful enough to not be culprits themselves. Instead of offering reproach, this is a cathartic reflection on what has gone wrong and how one might help others see the problem.
What exactly is this problem?
More often than not, people gather their political information from talking heads who weave their word vomit into a precariously balanced narrative of some sort. No matter how poorly reality fits their narrative, the talking heads find a way to shoehorn and sell it (often with very lucrative results).
To be fair, there are some people at even the most egregious media institutions whom I admire for their contributions to political discourse. Everybody needs to make a living and sometimes writers and commentators have to take a position while plugging their nose because of where the position exists. This piece is not about those people. This is about the ubiquitous drivel that eclipses anything thoughtful. More specifically, this is about the state of things in America, though it seems like it applies in plenty of other places as well.
Word-vomitish narratives have infested the minds of folk on both sides of the political spectrum. People not only believe the word vomit, they think and deliberate in terms of it.
There are exceptions, but where there are exceptions there is also a rule. The rule here is that people have allowed half-baked narratives composed of senseless soundbites to inextricably shape how they do politics.
What are the thoughtful to do in light of such troubled political times? The answer is twofold. The first is to sketch out the phenomenon to understand its general form. The second is to decode the word vomit to parse out the underlying values which can form a meaningful conversation.
The Story of Talking-Point-Culture and Its Effects
There has to be a story about how we got here, and in this case, it’s less important that we get the literal details of the story correct than that we understand the important phenomena to see what exactly is going on. So indulge me as I tell a brief story about current political discourse
The story begins with agreeable sound bites. People hear what their itching ears desire, and they become mentally lax. In this laxity, systemic, rigorous pursuits of truth become eagerly accepted narratives. These narratives are stories that fit both reality and people’s desires just enough to seem plausible and favorable.
Eventually, narratives come into conflict with each other, resulting in an unbearably shrill feedback loop. Conservatives see Liberals spinning a narrative which contradicts the Conservative one, so Conservatives convince themselves that Liberals must be liars or something of the sort. Why else would anybody disagree with what seems so obviously true and desirable to Conservatives?
Liberals turn around and do the same to Conservatives. Both sides, having cast an entire half of the country as no good liars, need a story for why this makes sense.
The answer is simple! Liberals just hate America and love lying because they want to see the country fail. Liberals turn around and do the same thing with slight alterations. Their story usually has something to do with Conservatives lying because they hate the poor, minorities, and anybody who is not a balding upper-class white man.
Each side has to support their own tale of the other side, so they search diligently for confirmation. “Look at this Liberal criticizing an American historical figure! I told you they all hate America!” Or, “Look at this Conservative fighting against universal healthcare! I told you they all hate the poor!”
With their narratives and anecdotal bits of evidence supporting them, 2019 finds each side of the political spectrum with talking points ironically different from what we might stereotypically think of as a talking point for Conservatives or Liberals.
Conservatives, convinced the no-good-commie-liberals hate America, preach a message of putting America first. Sometimes they use those words more or less verbatim. Sometimes the message takes on different verbiage. But the resounding message of Conservatism as it currently exists in America is that American prosperity needs to come first so that folks can live free, happy, prosperous lives.
The irony for Conservatives is that they are generally thought of as rugged individualists seeking personal freedom above all else.
Liberals, convinced that Conservatives just hate everyone besides themselves, currently preach a message of care and security for marginalized people. They also focus on a very specific message of personal liberty (albeit that liberty has to be of the sort sanctioned by modern Liberalism).
The irony for Liberals is that they tend to be thought of as communally-driven critters focused on the good of the collective over the good of individuals or sub-groups.
Perhaps Monsters Can Begin To Question the Status of Each Other As Such
We can imagine a Conservative reader getting to this point and thinking, “Well, yeah, I favor a strong America but it is precisely so that individuals have a chance of prospering by their own dignified hard work, and America (when it is as it should be) gives them a chance to do just that! The whole point is that people can be happy and secure in a healthy society which I think America provides.”
We can plausibly imagine a liberal reader getting to this to point and thinking, “Yes, I care about individual autonomy and liberty, but I also favor a strong community where everybody has a fair chance to be happy. That’s the whole point!”
We can imagine readers accustomed to thinking in terms of narratives made out of cheap, uncharitable talking points looking at the summary just given for the opposing political viewpoint to theirs and thinking, “Whoa! Both sides want people to be happy and secure with the ability to have their basic needs met? I didn’t think the monsters over on that side of the aisle even cared!”
A Note to the Unconvinced
There also might be some stubborn reader who has made it this far thinking of that one America-hating professor Hannity featured on Fox News, or maybe another stubborn reader is thinking of Westboro Baptist or Charlottesville. With these extremes in mind, such a reader might still be convinced that this is truly a culture war against evil acting for the sake of evil, and the other side of the political spectrum is just that sort of evil.
The stubborn reader has a point. There are bigots. There are morons. There are hateful, evil people whose views are inexplicably unconcerned with what is good.
Against such people, we do indeed have an imperative to protect what is good and beautiful in this world. The reality the stubborn reader fails to acknowledge, however, is that evil is unconcerned with the political spectrum and instances of evil can be found across all parts of it. Conversely, other humans (I would suggest most of them) all across the political spectrum are in fact concerned with preserving what is good and beautiful, and that is where the conversation begins.
We must entertain hard questions about who has the best view of what is good and beautiful. We must be ready to account for our evaluative system that qualifies such things. We must be ready to talk about the best way to attain them once we decide what they are.
The central point is that while there are power-hungry tyrants in this world calling themselves both Republicans and Democrats, the vast majority of people making up one platform or the other want the same end goal – a happy, healthy, prosperous society.
Understanding the True Differences Between Talking Points
The difference between the two sides is how we can make that happen, and exactly what it looks like.
A Republican condemning universal healthcare is not necessarily a sign that they hate the poor. It means that they think that medical innovation or service could be stunted by universal healthcare.
Conversely, a Democrat condemning private healthcare does not want to stunt innovation or quality of service. They sincerely believe such things can be preserved under a single-payer healthcare system which would benefit people currently not provided for.
The same goes for the dissension over a multitude of issues. Do not listen to the talking points saying that dissension is just a matter of good versus evil. Listen to your fellow citizens. Understand what they value. Analyze the strengths of their position.
This is not a call to relativism. In any given debate, there are contending truth claims which cannot all be true at the same time. The point here is that we must learn to be comfortable with the idea that our neighbors have compelling reasons for their truth claims which contradict our own. Our neighbors might be wrong. We might be wrong ourselves.
If a person is as right as he or she thinks they are, they should not fear the ensuing conversation about who actually gets it right. Good citizens, good human beings, embrace that conversation.
I don’t think everyone mashes up talking points – I do think modern political analysis fails however because once the results are announced (i.e. politician X is being driven by idea Y which deviates from orthodoxy Z), there’s no discussion or synthesis that follows. Jennifer Rubin at WaPo (as but one of many many examples) has a decent track record of diagnosis of the where Republicans failed in allowing the current President to rise (and she was hinting at that failure well before he did). yet she fails completely to put that rise in the context of her own intellectual body of work, or to at least acknowledge the diagnoses of more liberal commentators that her writing was part of the problem. Ditto most “liberal” commentators.
Were she to carry the analysis out and offer actual conclusions and recommendations I think your word salad problem would be way closer to resolution, and substantive discussions would be had.Report
The irony for Conservatives is that they are generally thought of as rugged individualists seeking personal freedom above all else.
Fixed that for ya.Report
Is that not exactly what the OP is arguing against?Report
What, my characterization? Is it? Because no matter what our conservative interlocutors here say, the policies advocated for since Reagan (and in his administration come to think of it) have been decidedly focused on this very topic. Sure, the pundits and the rank and file wrap it in other language, but its been the emphasis all along. No doubt our well written colleague Mike Dwyer would politely invite me to got off my high horse, but if that were actually the aim of conservatives they would support radically different policies and politicians.Report
I don’t find that criticism very useful, because frankly, just about any policy can be spun as a way to maintain, or gain, power over others, and since the bulk of those who hold and seek power are white men (or white women), it’s just a game in figuring out said policy cements entrenched power.
The few exceptions are policies which attempt to dismantle structural racism, and even those are often so riddled with unintended consequences that power just entrenches in other ways (usually as a response to the unintended effects).Report
Or perhaps I am just tired of the typical response of “white mans fault”. It’s not impressive, or clever, or funny, because frankly it offers up nothing useful.
We all know legacy power structures are a problem. We all know that those power structures are largely controlled by old white men who haven’t had the decency to die off yet (an unintended consequence of medical advances).
Talk to me about how you think we should dismantle those power structures and what we should replace them with. And being the libertarian I am, don’t talk to me about just putting women or people of color into those structures, because frankly old white DO NOT have a monopoly on corruption or corruptibility.Report
Elizabeth Warren has a plan for that.Report
That she does. Plans are great, when everyone does what you want.
What she needs is a plan for getting congress to cooperate with her plans.Report
The plan would be for her to stay in the Senate and replace Chuck Schumer.Report
Seems unlikely, in light of the way the Dems do things in the Senate. There are a lot of long-timers who have been in leadership, and/or run the important committees, who would have to get out of her way.
Also the complication that the Dems still largely do important bills in the committees, where the chairs set the direction.Report
Come the Schoolmarm Revolution, Congress will do as its damn well told.Report
I feel like I have talked ad nauseum about how to deal with that structure. And It starts with acknowledging that no matter how responsible a person is, when they are structurally disadvantaged by skin pigment or gender then all the responsibility in the world won’t help them.
Take Philando Castile. He was a responsible, educated, employed person. He complied with the law in obtaining his hand gun, and complied with the law in obtaining a concealed carry permit for it. And he was murdered by the state while complying with a lawful request by the state to prove he could legally carry his legal handgun in a concealed fashion. He was personally a responsible man, and his skin color got him stripped of the assumptions of that responsibility and it got him killed. Because the system decided back in the late 1960’s that black men with guns – no matter how responsible they were – did not deserve the same assumptions and deference as white men with guns.
How do we dis mantle that? We prosecute cops for killing responsible law abiding citizens regardless of the color of said citizens skin. We fire cops who express racist sentiments. We train cops in deescalation techniques. But we start by saying the system disadvantages people like Mr. Castile. We own what we’ve built and why we built it.Report
Why is a cop afraid of a black guy with a gun?
If the system ‘decided’ that this was to happen, show some objective truth that proves it.Report
Why is a cop afraid of a black guy with a gun?
You’ve got to be carefully taught. And who can argue with Rodgers and Hammerstein?Report
South Pacific.Report
You do realize that that has about as much relevance as:
“Cop is afraid of a black guy with a gun because a green wing duck flew north.”
I mean if you want to get into a battle of abstractions, I’m your huckleberry.Report
Maybe you should get out to Broadway shows more often.Report
You don’t want me anywhere near the east coast, especially with a box of matches.Report
Actually, we East Coasters are a welcoming bunch. I encourage a visit.Report
If ya ever hear someone ask “Freedom or Order?” you’ll probably know I’m around.Report
You want fries with that?Report
“You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught” is probably R & H’s worst work. First of all, the music doesn’t match the mood of the lyrics. But more significantly, it’s just not true. Children instinctively distrust people who look different from their immediate family. It takes year after year to get them to behave otherwise. The lyrics tar parents and misdiagnose human instinct.Report
Geebus Pinky, when did you have to suffer through hearing that mess?Report
Mess? I hope you mean in comparison to other R & H classics like “The Sound of Music” or “The King and I”.Report
So what your saying is there was something other than western movies made in the 1940s and 1950s.
Was any of it good?Report
War movies and Gene Kelly. Both just as manly as westerns.Report
Gene Kelly was a badassReport
Audie Murphy.Report
Why is a cop named Jeronimo Yanez a bit paranoid in Minnesota? I’m pretty sure people up there are still pretty sore about General Custer, so he probably goes through his day on the edge of a nervous breakdown.
You see, there’s always been enmity and suspicion between Native Americans or Hispanics and Buffalo soldiers, things white people were never privy too. It all started a long time ago in a little town called…
*crickets chirping around the crackling campire*
… and that’s why Officer Yanez freaked out that night.
Around here it’s the Appalachian meth-heads who make everybody nervous. In times past it was Italian mobsters and Irish cops getting in gun fights at the drop of a hat.
Among these egregiously bad shoot/don’t shoot decisions you often see signs that the policeman was both frightened and paranoid. I will bet that such cops weren’t temperamentally suited to the job, were plagued with nightmares, and were very jumpy in any questionable situation. In combat, they would be like the frightened cherry who shoots at anything, even returning squad mates, as their first response.
They misread what’s going on and let their imaginations run away with them, letting their fears dictate their actions. Those are people who should never be in law enforcement because they’re the most dangerous people on the streets, not because they think like a predator, but because they think like frightened prey, and lash out like a rattlesnake if they get triggered.
That’s a very different set of problem cops from the “tag’em and bag’em and laugh about ’em in the locker room” club.Report
…which is why today, football players kneel during the national anthem.
And now you know…The Rest Of The Story.Report
Because they are asserting their claim to the field the same way their mounted and armed ancestors claimed land from and oppressed Hispanics and Native Americans, who are still underrepresented in the NFL?Report
” they would be like the frightened cherry who shoots at anything”
That’s a long ways from:
“Because the system decided back in the late 1960’s that black men with guns – no matter how responsible they were – did not deserve the same assumptions and deference as white men with guns.”Report
“The system” would be Chicago, New York, DC, and California. Up until the moment the Black Panthers posed with rifles on the steps of the California state capitol, the place was as pro-gun as Dodge City.
As people have long said, all US attempts at gun control were just attempts to disarm blacks.
One of the funniest things I’ve seen recently is the reaction of the cast of CBS This Morning to a heartwarming story about the overwhelming popularity of the National African American Gun Association, whose members are 60% women. The hosts smiled and furtively said “good for them”, yet you could tell the story might as well been a hunk of radioactive plutonium, crossing some streams that are never supposed to be crossed, so everyone was desperately playing it safe with their comments.Report
Yeah and I suppose that Houston AK47 owner in the Huey P Newton gun club was yelling “Come and take it Muther Fisher!!” at Beto on TV the other night.
These guys started the Culture War long ago, but I have my doubts as to whether they really thought about winning it.Report
That’s because they started it as a distraction while they consolidated power. Ever notice how Culture Warriors scream till they are horse about personal responsibility and then legislate against it when ever it threatens their power base and their profit margin?Report
Legislation is a human institution.Report
That’s the reaction to armed liberal s in general. We tend to get treated as mythical beasts and when we raise our hands in class to be called on we are overlooked because EVERYONE is convinced we can’t exist.Report
Did you mean liberal or classical liberal?Report
Contemporary liberals are actually classical conservatives, seeking to preserve the traditional Bismarkian and New Deal welfare states.Report
I don’t know about all that, but when i look into the modern liberals spot where there should be individual liberties it’s typically just a hollow section.
Usually liberal gun owners who don’t store their guns in a communal collective have at least a little something there, and i typically parse that to classical liberalism.
Of course taking the two freedoms problem out ten decimal places also will parse whether or not there is a acknoledgement in individual ownership of a firearm, so there are two parameters vectoring to individualism in classical liberalism.
Someone like that Chip fellow wouldn’t own a gun because ownership would require recognition of private property, plus since there are no barriers to your living communal space, it would be really dangerous for you to have a gun around that is easily accessed by the collective.Report
Wait did that actually happen?Report
The Black Panthers holding rifles on the capitol steps, or something else? If so, then yes, it’s very famous and was widely photographed. They were using open carry to challenge the government.Report
No I’m very aware of that and the history around it, I meant the CBS story you mentioned.Report
My take on the host’s reactions will be colored by my perceptions, so you take a look.Report
In general, I think most people (by which I mean an overwhelming majority) do not think about their beliefs deeply or consistently. People who read political blogs, no matter their ideology, are already on the extreme ends of intensity even among loyal and regular political junkies/voters. So yeah, if you spend ten or minutes, possibly less, talking with the average voter, you can probably find serious inconsistincies.
To me the profession of a pundit is a very odd one. The existence of 24 hour news channels is also odd. The value in 24 hours news channels could theoretically be the ability to do documentary filmmaking/deep investigative journalism. Our long exposes instead of three or four minute segments. But that is expensive to produce, doubtful that anyone would watch, and advertisers would run away. Talk on the other hand is very cheap to produce and people can have it on as background noise.*
*I’m apparently one of the last people who likes listening to music while driving. Talk and podcasts seem to rule supreme.Report
Do you think that people who follow politics have fewer inconsistencies in their thinking or a better understanding of all sides of an issue?Report
Not necessarily. I suppose it depends on what it means to be inconsistent and it always easier to spot the inconsistencies and hypocrisies of people that you disagree with then your own. To be human is to make a hash out of everything for a variety of complicated and probably often inchoate/not full realized reasons.Report
I’m beginning to suspect that consistency isn’t possible in politics. A couple of weeks ago in a Facebook discussion a young woman who grew up in a conservative Muslim family but since because a secular person remarked that she finds it odd that the people who mock Evangelical purity balls also say things like how strong a woman in hijab could look when to her they come from the same impulse to control female sexuality. Yet, for many on the liberal side of politics you can be a traditionally dressed Muslim woman and still be a radical in good standing if you say the right words. Think Ilhan Omar and Linda Sansour. I doubt that an Orthodox Jewish woman could rise to such prominence even with the same rhetoric. To many liberals, Orthodox Jewish modesty requires reek of the patriarchy in the way that Islam doesn’t because Islam is seen as a non-white religion.
Or look how many people get dewey eyed over the Native American tribes in the Amazon and their pre-modern life style while wanting to drag the Amish and the Hasidic Jews into the 21st century kicking and screaming. Something just clicks in their mind that says that these Native American tribes living a traditional lifestyle fits in with their politics while the Amish and the Hasidic Jews do not. For all we know, these Native American tribes can have beliefs and practices that are as patriarchal and illiberal as hell but it ain’t going to register to people.Report
Good observation, maybe because human behavior is not at all consistent.
Like the way we’ve discussed before of the conflicting impulses between the comforting embrace of community versus individuality, or how difficult it is to support freedom of choice when people make choices that seem awful.Report
On the whole, I find general-purpose pundits worse than useless. What do they know that makes me want their advice on anything? Some of the more specialized pundits occasionally provide me with useful information or analysis, but this is rare. One of my persistent fantasies — for whatever it says about my fantasy life — is to host a cable news talk show in which I sit at a barstool, identify some burning issue of the day, say that because I don’t have the relevant information, I don’t have an opinion on it — and it’s likely that you don’t, and therefore shouldn’t, either. Let’s wait and see.
Probably wouldn’t last long. Maybe I’d invite useless general-purpose pundits on and when they bloviate, I’d ask them if they have any actual information. That might make it more fun.Report
Yeah i’m sick of the general purpose pundit. They are a scourge and useless. There is to much to know for one person to comment on all it with anything useful. I don’t know how many times i’ve seen the same talking heads yack about the military/policy situation in some other country without any evidence they actually know anything about the actual country. If, for example, you want to help me understand what South Korea thinks about NK, get some South Koreans on the show and make the old white suits go bowling or something.Report
Podcasts are just books on tape that you listen to as they are being written.Report
I’m so technologically inept that I don’t even know how to find what podcasts are out there and how to get them.Report
do you have a smart phone? You can usually initially get them via your music app that comes with the phone.Report
There’s a music app that comes with my phone? I don’t have to buy something? I guess I’ll call my grand-niece.Report
I cannot stand podcasts. It’s music all the way for me during any activity.Report
We live in something of an aspirational age, where everything is about earnest self-improvement all the time among certain groups. One of the local dance organizers runs an occasional intensive lesson with a Southern California dancer. The last part before the social dance is a fire side chat where earnest young millennials soak up words of wisdom from the dancer. Its all very sincere and it makes me sick for some reason. I think podcasts fit the earnestness that many people are striving for while music seems indulgent and wasteful.Report
The Importance Of Ernest Goes To Camp.Report
That comment legitimate made me laugh out loud.Report
The old saying “all things in moderation, including moderation”, comes to mind.
I remember reading a young readers book about the Civil War when I was 12. The opening sentence was “How did the Civil War start? Like most wars, it was misunderstandings that multiplied.”
I was so struck by how sophisticated this sounded, filled with nuance and adult complexity.
Except years later as an adult, I realized that this was itself a talking point, the Lost Cause narrative which sought to obscure the bitter truth that no, there were no misunderstanding, there was no noble cause. Even after taking account of the myriad of voices and complexities of motivation, the bare truth was that one group of people wanted to enslave other people and were willing to go to war to protect that practice.Report
This Birth of a Nation/Gone With the Wind version of the Civil War era is what I got in K-12 in the 60’s and 70’s, even though I was living in what had been a hotbed of abolitionist activity — perhaps the last progressive impulse in central New York.Report
As the old joke goes, people who know nothing about the Civil War think it was about slavery. People who know a moderate amount about it think it’s complicated. People who know a lot think it was about slavery.Report
That’s a lot of words to say, “I wanna sound smart, but I don’t have a spine.”
It’s boring, and I’m too tired to quote Letters from a Birmingham Jail again.
Oh hell, order over justice, order over justice, won’t those weirdos shut up, it’s time for a comfortable middle. Oh and look how much smarter than those people I am!Report
I applaud you for using relatively few words to say “I don’t know how to read and think carefully because I’m drowning in my own untethered sense of angst.”Report
I like this in general. My one criticism is sort of a tangent. You use the Liberal vs Conservative frame which is common but i don’t think it’s correct. I’ve listened to people who proudly announce how they aren’t on one side or belong to a fringe belief. Let me tell you, they ain’t any better. Shallow bumper sticker level dialogue is the American norm. There are certainly people who do far better and have insight and who we can have good conversations with. Some are liberal, conservative, unaligned, libertarian, Green, etc. But the badge of honor people adorn themselves with for not being one one side does not signify any higher quality of thought.Report
I understand your desire to remove as many qualifiers as possible on the accusation of shallowness. But why leave “American”? Isn’t it true to say that people in general tend to have more opinions than facts?
I’m having the same problem with this article’s diagnosis of the problem as being unique to today. It *may* be the case that we’re more oriented toward talking points these days than usual, but is that new? Is it cyclical? Did the 1850’s Northerner and Southerner get the same data and analysis? I do think it’s odd that we’ve created insulated islands across space, where our neighbor gets different news than we do. A hundred years ago, my neighbor was a bear. I don’t know. It seems like it would be valuable to cite examples of eras/locations of healthy political conversation, then identify the traits that made them so.Report
It may be that most people have always been shallow. But i don’t’ really know enough about the political dillouge in other countries to really opine on it. Britain seems to be not exactly covering themselves in glory over Brexit.
The glorious predictions of the knowledge the Information Super Highway will bring us have raised expectations. But it’s likely people have always confused information, data and wisdom.Report
“We used to think that stupidity was caused by a lack of access to information. The internet proves that this was not at all true.” – some meme I saw.Report
Greginak, your original comment is pretty fair in its tangential criticism. There are plenty of ways to parse out American politics factions, but for the sake of simplicity I just went with one of the more common ones that tends to include just about everybody. From what I’ve seen, “Republicans and Democrats” leave a lot of people in the middle uncomfy with identifying with either one. “Liberal and Conservative” tend to pick out most people even if they don’t self identify with one or the other explicitly. That’s at least my impression.Report
From what I have seen, there is the two freedoms problem that needs to be resolved. Not just resolved, but in a manner that everyone agrees with in the social objective context. The problem is that social objectivity is not resolved because social truth is not resolved.
To even start to resolve social truth components, a hell of a lot of bases that were stolen decades ago have got to be unstolen.
Also O’Sullivan’s Law is about as certain as gravity.
Almost every social constructs has a propaganda machine that is sketchy at best with objective truth.Report
O’Sullivan’s law, for those who don’t recognize the name, is that any organization that does not start out explicitly right-wing gradually becomes left wing. That’s true because, as a different cliche has it, reality has a liberal bias.Report
More like people interested in social organization tend to be more (social-istic, socialists, social leaning, ah hell….plug in a social+term of your choice) than people not interested in social oganization.
Actually when speaking of reality, the conservativism that is based on resolved objective truth always will define a better objective reality than the bias that liberals derive from social objectivity based on unresolved social truths.
This stuff isn’t complicated.Report
“The answer is twofold. The first is to sketch out the phenomenon to understand its general form. The second is to decode the word vomit to parse out the underlying values which can form a meaningful conversation.”
My take on the issue is that politics is a mind and soul killer and that the best way forward is to minimize the scope of politics.Report