A Journey Through The Star Wars Saga

Eric Cunningham

Eric Cunningham is the editor-in-chief of Elections Daily. He is a lifelong resident of western North Carolina and graduated from Appalachian State University. You can follow him on Twitter at @decunningham2. @decunningham2.

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7 Responses

  1. Doctor Jay says:

    This is fantastic, and very welcome. For a complete experience, I expect you to watch and expound upon the Star Wars Holiday Special.

    I share the opinion that The Force Awakens is a beautiful and brilliant film. The complaints about nostalgia bait have a foundation, but if you ignore those sections, there is a wonderful story here, with some breathtaking visuals to go with them.Report

  2. North says:

    Welcome! Your position is a bold one since I believe it lumps the prequels in under the umbrella descriptor of “great”. I look forward to considering your arguments.Report

    • Eric Cunningham in reply to North says:

      There’s at least one prequel that I find to be genuinely great, although as a whole I think they have a lot of merit. Will be one of the more fun ones to write on.Report

  3. Kolohe says:

    My first experience with Star Wars wasn’t until I was at least 9 or 10 years old – I missed the entire prequel trilogy in theaters.

    Wow, now I feel old.

    But looking forward to this series!

    (Can’t promise not to pick a nit or two though)Report

  4. DW Dalrymple says:

    As I have said in some of my writings, when it comes to movies, there’s a Pre-Star Wars me and a Post-Star Wars me. Life was never the same after that. I was 8 yrs old when I saw The first release in 1977… I look forward to reading your perspective.Report