After Childish Gambino’s “This is America” came out, there were no shortage of thinkpieces talking about the video and what it means and what it reveals and how we shouldn’t make memes from stills from the video.
It eventually occurred to me to wonder “that video director was pretty good… did he do anything else?” and I found out that the director of that video was Hiro Murai and, yeah, he’s directed a *TON* of music videos. They’re pretty good. (I didn’t watch *EVERY* video so I can’t vouch for every video, but the ones I did watch were really good. He’s good at using the camera to hide information from you for a few moments before finally pulling back and revealing some pretty important parts of the backstory.) Some of the *SONGS* are better than others, of course, but there was one video that had an awesome song as well as an awesome aesthetic.
The problem was that the video was a hair racy.
So I asked Maribou “Hey, is this too racy? This is too racy, isn’t it?”
She watched the video and said “ahhhhhhh, well I don’t think so but I can see how you would” and told me “you could put a ‘mildly nsfw’ or something on there”. I still hemmed and hawed for a bit and Maribou told me “heck, you can blame me if you want” and that, right there, was the kicker.
So there. That’s the background here. It’s mildly nsfw due to some sirens wearing aggressively summertime clothing. But I worry about that sort of thing more than Maribou does.
So… what are you listening to?
(I also said it is beautiful and hypnotic.)Report
Indeed. And even if super high tech editing magic were used to make the shot look continuous and fluid, the dancers are doing some impressive moves on those roller skates. And yes, @jaybird, they’re very easy on the eye.Report
@burt-likko One of the things I mentioned to Jaybird is that I suspect the raciness quotient may be higher for those of us born sometime in the 70s, just because their style is so very very rollerskate-hot-in-the-early-80s.
I mean, those women are dressed and styled like the women I was sexually attracted to before I had identifiable sexual attractions (or something like that, except that makes more sense). The older teen girls I watched in awe long before I myself even hit puberty. In the same way that I have a soft spot for men with shaggy hair, worn out jeans, and Joshua Tree t-shirts. Archetypal-of-the-time.
But that could just be me.Report
Budos Band – Black Venom
I need more of that trumpet + bari sax combination….
much more….
*Hies herself to the youtubes*Report
A short film I enjoyed.
The only song you’ll need today:
Fourth of July – XReport
I’ve been catching up with Altered Carbon, and was impressed by the ridiculous cheekiness required to put even a brief “More Human Than Human” cover on the soundtrack.Report
@pillsy Ha! That’s pretty great.Report
“aggressively summertime clothing”
I love this turn of phrase.Report
Oh, Jaybird! đŸ™‚Report