Monthly Archive: April 2016
Elizabeth Warren has a great idea for making Tax Day less painful – Vox
On Wednesday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) introduced a bill that would make doing taxes vastly easier for Americans — and would strongly push back against the tax prep industry’s attempts to keep taxes difficult....
Nate Silver: A State-By-State Roadmap For The Rest Of The Republican Primary
Nate Silver describes Trump’s path from here to nomination, state by state.
German intelligence head admits ?misjudgment? on ?Islamic State? strategy | DW.COM
Security officials initially believed it was unlikely that “Islamic State” terrorists would use the recent influx of refugees to enter the country, Germany’s domestic intelligence agency (BfV) head told a Sunday newspaper. “We thought...
The Heaviness of Just War | USIH
First, as the organizers of this conference well-know, there has been a vigorous contest over interpreting and applying just war doctrine by American Catholics, from Dorothy Day and John C. Ford, S.J., in World...
Morning Ed: United States {2016.04.13.W}
Homeless villages in Austin while Portland’s coolness puts its coolness at risk.
The rich marrying the rich makes the income gap worse, but it’s not our biggest problem | Brookings Institution
It is important to keep a sharp distinction here between description and prescription. The trends being described are the result of millions of private decisions, and of broader social and cultural changes in the...
Shepherds, Sheeple, and Kool-aid
No doubt almost every single person who has interested themselves even slightly in politics has heard the terms ‘sheeple’ or ‘kool-aid’ thrown around. And among this hurricane of insults and ‘last words’ that we call politics I’ve always wondered, somewhat disinterestedly, why isn’t it spelled ‘sheople’?
It Ain’t Theft If It’s Legal
The party doesn’t owe the plurality leader diddly squat. It is known what he has to do. He has to actually do it.
John Winthrop: inequality is a problem | Hit Coffee
Most of us probably agree that the rich eating up the poor is a bad thing, for certain values of “eating.” (I don’t really want to do it, but (sigh) I guess I have...
How Big Is the Big Tent?
For those that no longer feel at home in the GOP, is there a tent big enough for them on the Left?
WaPo: My husband died by suicide. Here’s what happened during my awkward call with the NRA
Last week, I was on another call, with the office of Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D). This time, the news was good — he would sign a new law designed to reduce the number...
3 rescued from remote island after using palm fronds to spell ‘help’ – CNN
The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard rescued three mariners from a remote, uninhabited Pacific island Thursday after a Navy plane spotted palm fronds spelling the word “help” on the sand. The castaways who constructed...