The Not-So Longshot
Last month, I wrote about why Chris Christie’s strategy of “aggressive truth-telling” about Social Security makes sense on the Right. (Again, I take no position here on the wisdom of the policy on the merits or the wisdom of his argument. It is one that resonates in certain corners.) Christie is the quintessential longshot candidate, who needs to take risks. His plan is unlikely to pay off, but a cautious campaign is a guaranteed defeat.
Meanwhile, there is a candidate in the Republican field who is being covered as a longshot, but actually has a fairly plausible path to the nomination: Rick Perry. His candidacy has several strengths that have not been covered at length.
1. Perry has been building a pretty solid, broad campaign team.
In the early going, Perry has been quite successful at building a broad team of individuals who have served on winning campaigns or on lots of campaigns. A few are listed below:
– Avik Roy, a former Mitt Romney adviser, a Manhattan Institute fellow, and a prominent conservative writer on health care issues, is a “senior adviser” to RickPAC.
– Abby McCloskey, the former Program Director of Economic Policy at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), will be leading Perry’s national policy team.
– Glen Bolger, a prominent Republican pollster who worked for Romney, will be handling polling for RickPAC.
– Jamie Johnson, who served as Rick Santorum’s State Coalitions Director in Iowa in 2012, is a Senior Director for RickPAC.
– Mike Dennehy, a long-time John McCain guy up in New Hampshire, will be heading up Perry’s New Hampshire team.
Perry has not struggled to recruit a team in the early going. Most importantly, you’re seeing a pretty wide array of backgrounds. There is a Romney guy, a Santorum guy, and a McCain guy here. That implies that Perry has the potential to appeal to multiple segments of the party.
2. Perry has been open to new ideas about campaigning in the past.
Campaigning is certainly more art than science. But Perry has been incorporating experimentation into his campaigns for years, and it’s not clear that his rivals have been doing the same. From a New York Times profile in 2011, Perry leveraged experimentation to great effect in 2006, getting way out in front of the baseline for campaign strategy:
As the 2006 election season approached, the governor’s top strategist, Dave Carney, invited four political scientists into Perry’s war room and asked them to impose experimental controls on any aspect of the campaign budget that they could randomize and measure. Over the course of that year, the eggheads, as they were known within the campaign, ran experiments testing the effectiveness of all the things that political consultants do reflexively and we take for granted: candidate appearances, TV ads, robocalls, direct mail. These were basically the political world’s version of randomized drug trials, which had been used by academics but never from within a large-scale partisan campaign.
The findings from those 2006 tests dramatically changed how Carney prioritized the candidate’s time and the campaign’s money when Perry sought re-election again in 2010 and will inform the way he runs for president now.
Perry’s willingness to accept something unconventional (and yet obvious in retrospect) speaks well to how he handles the operations side of a campaign. Indeed, it wasn’t operations that foiled him in 2012. The potential quality of his operation is evident in some of the videos that he has already released. In particular, his “Live Free or Die” video is perfectly pitched to conservatives:
3. Perry’s gubernatorial record is strong.
Regardless of whether Perry’s policies were the source of Texas’ economic success, the state under Perry had fantastic economic growth that far outpaced the rest of the country. Jason Russell over at the Washington Examiner writes:
Since the recession began in December 2007, 1.2 million net jobs have been created in Texas. Only 700,000 net jobs have been created in the other 49 states combined.
The remarkable employment growth in Texas looks even bigger considering its size relative to the rest of the U.S. Total non-farm employment has grown by 11.5 percent in Texas since December 2007. Employment in the rest of the United States has grown only 0.6 percent. Until September 2014, total employment growth in the rest of the United States since December 2007 was still negative.
Perry’s record and policy positions may cause him some issues. He can lose on his Right on immigration, but he’ll probably be buffered a bit by the presence of Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, who will present more open targets for “amnesty opponents.” He may also face some issues about Texas’ more aggressive industrial policy–a view that has largely gone out of fashion on the Right–but he has already begun to attempt to neutralize it. (I just finished journalist Erica Greider’s Big, Hot, Cheap, and Right, which discusses–among other things–Texas’s not-quite laissez faire approach to industrial policy.) But Texas’ economic success, combined with Perry’s down-the-line conservatism on a host of other issues: abortion; tort reform; military spending; federalism; free exercise; etc.–gives him a compelling foundation for a presidential campaign in an era of slow growth.
4. Perry will be underestimated.
The GOP field will have their fire trained on a few people ahead of Rick Perry: Jeb Bush is going to face the onslaught, considering how skeptical the base is of him (and considering how he will leverage his enormous war-chest into an aerial assault on Iowa and New Hampshire). Rand Paul will be hit on foreign policy. Scott Walker, as the early conservative frontrunner, will be facing the first round of attacks from his conservative rivals. Perry can linger in the background, avoiding friendly fire.
Perry will probably spend a fair bit of time having to deflect comments mocking him for his 2012 debacle. But knowing the questions in advance–and facing them a million times–will give him plenty of opportunities to come up with clever responses.
5. Perry might actually be an OK debater.
It has to be shared:
The modern campaign season is incredibly overcovered, and the media focuses on trivia, at the expense of things that are interesting and relevant. But Perry’s “three agencies” flub was a genuinely significant gaffe, because it bolstered an emerging narrative about Perry being “stupid” or unprepared. (If, say, Candidate Obama had made a similar gaffe in 2007, it would have been written off, less for bias than because Obama had established himself as an intellectual.)
Perry’s debates were terrible, and it was those performances that torpedoed his campaign in the weak 2012 field. His other major “gaffe” also came in a debate, this one about providing in-state tuition to undocumented migrants:
It’s not the substance of his position that matters there; it’s that he insults a huge swath of Republican voters by calling them heartless. He could hold his position without alienating those voters, but it would have required a defter approach.
What emerged after the campaign, though, was that Perry was recovering from major back surgery from early 2011. Longtime Perry aide Dave Carney refused to blame the debate performances on painkillers. But one could argue that Perry was unprepared because he could not study as much, or get up to speed as much.
Lots of folks spend their whole lives trying to be president; Perry doesn’t seem like one of them who has done the same. Perry’s run always felt somewhat opportunistic, like he hadn’t really considered it until he started gunning for a third gubernatorial term. That showed through in his campaign. Running for president is hard, as Perry found out, and he basically embarrassed himself in the process.
Since then, it is pretty clear that Perry has been targeting 2016. And now, he doesn’t have a job as governor, so he has all the time he wants or needs to prepare. He has every opportunity to be a much more informed candidate this time around.
There’s a second piece to this argument. Perry’s 2011 debates were obviously a disaster for him. But we have other debate evidence from Perry: his gubernatorial debates from the 2010 campaign against Kay Bailey Hutchison. Here’s him at 6:05, facing a question about accepting federal stimulus dollars:
He’s relaxed and casual in his response, but forceful. It’s a very effective tone for him here, and he is compelling. He deflects the hypocrisy charge and steers attention to federal inefficiency.
One other segment is worth showing, at about 40:40:
Perry is what I’d describe as “persuasively dismissive” towards Hutchison’s questions, and has a plausible response, again. The policy details are up for debate–indeed, the Cato Institute consistently gave Perry Bs and Cs on taxes and criticized Perry for the same tax hike that Hutchison was hitting him on–but Perry can always and everywhere deflect back to the business climate. Either way, his tone–folksy, matter-of-fact–really works for him.
That guy–the guy who defeated Hutchison in 2010–looks like a capable debater. He wasn’t great; if you watch the whole thing, you see that he stammers a lot and sometimes sort of fades out a bit. What we do not know now–and what we cannot know–is if the 2011 debater will be returning to the fold. If that guy campaigns, Perry will never top 10 percent, and he’ll be out of the race by Iowa. But if he handles the debates well, it’s a very different situation. We can make an educated guess based on his 2010 debate that the potential is there, at least, for Perry to handle the debates well.
6. Perry has a path to the nomination.
Perry’s key foe right now is Scott Walker. They’re both plainspoken and come from non-elite backgrounds, giving them a cultural affinity with the party’s current aesthetic. Walker’s campaign is currently being bolstered by his high-profile confrontation over unions.
Walker, however, has scuffled a bit in the early going. His handling of the hiring and firing of Liz Mair upset many conservative activists, who have begun to see him as only standing up to the “other guys.” He answered a question about ISIS indelicately, to say the least. And he was unprepared for a question about evolution; a punt is a missed opportunity.
These “gaffes” are largely irrelevant so far, but they may be a harbinger of future issues for Walker’s campaign. If Walker struggles, it will leave a gaping hole in the GOP field. Lots of candidates will attempt to fill it: Ted Cruz comes to mind, certainly, as well as fellow Midwestern governors Rick Snyder and John Kasich. But Perry is more electable than Cruz and more conservative than Kasich or Snyder. Perhaps most importantly, Perry has the record and the “cultural presentation” to fill the Walker space. Maybe one can’t imagine Perry talking about hunting for bargains at Kohl’s, but he certainly has a populist, folksy way of communicating.
Perry is a sleeper. It is easy to imagine him gaining some positive coverage and traction with a couple of good debates. What remains to be seen–the key unknown–is whether Perry himself can campaign and debate effectively enough to break into the top tier.
If I can make a sports analogy, what comes to mind for Perry is the 1999 St. Louis Rams.
If in 1999, you had known going into the season that the Rams were going to get great play from the quarterback position, projecting the Rams to win the Super Bowl would not have been a terrible idea. There were lots of strengths. Marshall Faulk was a great running back. Isaac Bruce and Torry Holt were fantastic talents at wide receiver. They were instituting a revolutionary new offensive system, under the helm of Mike Martz. Their defense was adequate the previous season (14th in Football Outsiders’ DVOA). So the foundation was there for success. The unknown was the quarterback: Trent Green had gotten injured, and they were down to a little-known former Arena Football quarterback with no NFL experience. Of course, that quarterback was Kurt Warner, who put together one of the more remarkable football careers in recent memory. The 1999 Rams went on to win the Super Bowl.
I see the Rick Perry campaign the same way. The underlying strengths are all there; the question is the campaign’s quarterback. Presently, the Top 3 for the Republicans are pretty clearly Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, and Scott Walker, in some order. But if the candidate lives up to the underlying context, Perry is in that group.
Cover photo from Gage Skidmore [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.
Interesting post about the dynamics of running for President in a crowded field.
One simple question though: why should anyone vote for him? (follow on questions: what does he stand for? what will he do on Iran / global warming / taxation / income inequality / immigration ….?) Does anyone care about issues any more, or is it all about appearing folksy?Report
We’re talking the GOP primary here, not the general election. Perry et all don’t really need to have answers to your questions in the primary; their answers are all already known. Obama is Bad/I’s imaginary/Cut them/It’s irrelevant or imaginary/stop it.Report
God help us.Report
You know and I know, it ain’t happenin’.
-cough*HPV mandate*cough-Report
I think he was pretty successful at putting that behind him in Texas, and I suspect his newer, smarter advisers would be able to do a better job of not letting people misrepresent that mandate the way it was misrepresented here at the time.
That said, even Republicans in Texas didn’t like him (and the only reason he won his final term is that the only Republicans who’d run against him were incredibly incompetent), so I can’t imagine he’ll find it easy to get people to like him nationally. Then again, he kept winning elections here without the affection of his own party, so maybe it won’t matter at the national level either.Report
Your probably correct, but a big theme in the next election will be how Obama is framed with his executive decisions and mandates. Perry having mandate play in his past puts a sizable dent in that angle.Report
Walker is an idiot. I certainly haven’t forgotten his gaffes…
Perry? Well, it’s easy to flub something and have it be held against you forever, like Joe Biden.
Clinton managed to slide by a lot of issues though, so I suppose if you’re slick enough…
At least Perry doesn’t have the legal issues of Rubio to deal with…Report
I have no respect for Walker after he compared fighting unions in his state to confronting ISIS. Anyone who thinks something this stupid needs to be as far from the White House as possible.Report
Oi. He was an idiot when he let a man calling up saying he was Mr. Koch talk to him. (This after Palin got punked by that Canadian disc jockey — so he should have known better.)
But you’re right, that is exceptionally asinine.Report
I am trying to wrap my head around the idea that “a Romney guy, a Santorum guy, and a McCain guy” constitutes “a pretty wide array of backgrounds.” Sure, I know that you are talking within the context of the Republican primaries, but still, we are talking about three middle aged white guys.Report
Dole’s campaign was made up of Clinton supporters.
Compared to that…Report
I’m pretty sure that the argument is either “I’m a fiscally savvy guy like Romney, I’m a socially conservative guy (or man/guy of faith) like Santorum, and strong on National Defense like McCain” *OR* “I’m a social conservative like Romney, I’m strong on Foreign Policy like Santorum, and I’m as fiscally savvy as McCain.”
One of those.Report
The key part is not their ‘diversity’ per se, it’s the diversity of their wins in the Republican primary process.Report
This is a fair point, and it’s one of those reminders to be careful with language! It’s definitely only a wide variety of backgrounds in the context of the Republican Party’s various constituencies. The “three-legged stool” concept is still relevant, but there are a lot of disagreements between Santorum supporters and Romney supporters, beyond mere rhetorical differences. Perry can bridge those differences, though, if everything goes well.Report
All Perry can offer is his so-called “Texas Miracle.” Hard to see that stand up to much scrutiny as others have already begun to pick it apart.
The really interesting thing about that article, and the response to it, is what it demonstrates about people’s ability to accept arguments they would reject in any other context. It’s essentially saying “Fracking is so awesome that some activity in West Texas can carry the economy of a state with 20 million people in it, most of which live hundreds and hundreds of miles away…” (which is, alas, probably not true.)Report
The Dallas Fed. predicts slower-growth than the rest of the nation due to the decrease in oil and natural gas prices, too:
If that’s true, there’s this weird thing here — when Texas thrives, the rest of the US hurts from higher energy costs. When energy costs plummet, boosting economies elsewhere in the US, Texas experiences slower growth.
comment rescue, please.Report
May I make an alternative suggestion? I see where you’re going — Texas is analogous to a petrorepublic, beset with similar sorts of problems that come with a nation’s over-reliance on petrodollars and an industrial base of almost exclusively extraction.
That doesn’t sound like a comment rescue to me. It sounds like a guest post. And an awesome one at that. I don’t have time to do it myself, but it sounds like you’ve done the research. Up for it?Report
I’ll think about it; things are kind of busy for me right now.Report
You have to separate the oil industry and in-state oil extraction. It’s inaccurate to say that the state’s industrial base is almost exclusively extraction. First, because there are refineries! But really, because it is a diversified economy with more points of health than their neighbor to the east. And a lot of it isn’t in-state extraction at all, but rather corporate headquarters of oil companies based in the state.
Which is why the state was doing quite well before the fracking boom, when in-state oil production was at the lowest point it had been in 70 years, because they were collecting the proceeds of the oil industry from elsewhere. It also contributes to the state growth hundreds of miles away.
Or put another way, a significantly bigger problem for the state than wells being capped in West Texas, is that the value of the product of an industry for which it has become an international hub has dropped precipitously. For now, anyway.Report
I just realized you thought I was asking for a ‘comment rescue post,’ when all I wanted was to have my comment fished out of the spam box!
Phew. Now I don’t need to consider writing about something I know nothing about but wonder a lot.Report
I believe that the Texas economy was helped greatly by the oil industry at large, and I think he gets little credit for it (not the least of which because he inherited it from his predecessor), but the argument that it comes down to fracking was a pretty terrible one. That works in North Dakota, which is a small state where such a thing makes a huge difference, but not in Texas. I would add that if Texas is surviving this punch in its gut with growth – even with growth lesser than the rest of the country – that’s actually kind of impressive. (Though has little to do with Perry, either way.)Report
A lot of it’s the multiplier effect of the oil industry.
The bigger problem isn’t a lack of diversity, however; it’s the extreme price fluctuation of the dominant industry. Fracking matters in that, not as a product that TX sells as part of their energy resources, but as one of the prime drivers of the drop in the price of a barrel of oil. That drop in energy prices means a big drop in the amount of money flowing throughout the economy; and that has a multiplier effect, too.Report
I’m thinking of another guy who, when he was running for governor of Texas, seemed intelligent, articulate, and flexible, but when he was running for president talked only in conservative cliches and seemed to have the cranial capacity of a mollusk. What’s up with that?Report
I hope we are done on the national level with the type of politician Texans seem to love. Do we really need GWB again, but without the rhetorical skills?Report
Well, we’ll also have P in a few years, when he takes over from Abbott.Report
A very plausible case, I wouldn’t have considered Perry that viable, but you have changed my mind.
The only criticism of this analysis I have is in part 5. Early debates are way too crowded with too little individual air time for any one to generally be a standout; the best you can hope for is to not trip over yourself (the exact stake Perry made, as you say and everyone agrees). I don’t know if it’s enough for him to simply meet or exceed (low) expectations to get him into the top tier. I strongly doubt he’ll have the opportunity (and very much doubt he has the ability) to ‘win’ the debates by a sufficient enough margin to erase his previous performances.Report
I know this sounds crazy, but I feel like you can’t discount the fact that Perry actually physically resembles Reagan just a little bit (it could be my imagination, but he seems to be playing that resemblance up, with the glasses and hairstyle).
Amongst a certain set, that unconscious association might help his chances, more than anyone would like to believe it should.Report
As an aside, whoever picked out Jeb Bush’s glasses did a great job. Whoever picked out Perry’s did not.Report
I once ran into Perry at the CVS that’s a few blocks from the capitol, while he was governor. He was buying a huge bottle of ibuprofen. Kinda makes me think he picks out his own glasses.Report
Not a surprising story. Consuming the contents of huge bottles of ibuprofen strikes me as an inherent occupational hazard of being Governor of Texas. There are many worse ways he could have self-medicated the stress than this.Report
Did you see him shoot a coyote on the way out?
Yeah, that’s probably right. Which goes to show why Perry would not make a good president: He doesn’t know how to delegate to people with greater expertise.Report
Yeah, ibuprofen is significantly cheaper at Walgreen’s.Report
I’ve both shot a coyote and bought Ibuprofen at CVS… and you’ve never seen me and Rick Perry in the same room at the same time.
Let the speculation begin.Report
Let me ask you this: when you go to CVS for ibuprofen, do you go in a pair of black SUVs, with a security escort? If so, you are probably Rick Perry.Report
“I’m Rick Perry. I stand for God, country, and Evelyn Waugh novels.”Report
10 points to Chris for using “capitol” correctly.Report
Given that I walk through the grounds every day, I should know how to spell it correctly:
Hrm now is that Gryffendor or Hufflepuff?Report
More broadly, besides the vague Reagan resemblance, I might say that Perry’s somewhat “conventional masculinity” could benefit him in the race.Report
Interesting point! The crowded debate could cut both ways against Perry–it could insulate him from attacks, but it could also leave him on the outside looking in. I hadn’t considered that piece.Report
This was a really good post, but I’m not sure I buy it.
There’s an incorrect assumption made by those of us who write about politics a lot: that because America is the land of second chances, anything is possible. Any viewing of any of the presidential primaries in my lifetime, however, proves that this is entirely wrong.
The truth is that while Americans will likely be willing to give presidential candidates a second (or third, or fourth) viewing, the people who run for president are who they are. You can repackage them, rebrand them, and re-market them, of course, but at the end of the day they’ve gotten to where they are in life by being who they are, and they will be who they are — gifts and warts alike — each time they run.
Perry is no different.
Perry was the assumed frontrunner in 2012 prior to his actual jumping in the race. The reason that he never picked up any steam was the reason *most* presidential candidates never do: he never really took it seriously enough. Most presidential candidates, when you cut through all of the horserace analysis, are people who’ve gotten where they are in the political machine mostly on charm. Most tell themselves they will become different people when they throw their hat in the ring — more diligent, more informed, more ready at the quick when taken off script — but at the end of the day they are who they are, and most never bother to do the work required. (And to be fair, it’s a f**k-all tonnage of work; most people would fail.)
When you look at Perry’s 2012 campaign, you have to accept one of two stories. One story is that he was on pain meds that dulled his brilliance. FTR, I am not sold on this line. It’s a little too convenient an excuse, and subsequent interviews over the past couple of years I’ve seen him in suggest that — like most other POTUS candidates — when he’s asked something that makes him have to go off script/talking points, he looks lost. But even supposing the painkiller story is true, you still have a candidate who let himself be put in position after position where he looked dumb, unprepared, or drunk. Or to put it another and perhaps more accurate way, you have a candidate who most likely surrounded himself with yes-men who let him do so, told him he was doing awesome, and went on his merry way.
The other option, of course, is that he’s just not that great, and that he occasionally shows up to fundraisers drunk.
Either option makes the thought of him being able to win either the White House or even the party nod dubious at best.Report
I agree with @tod-kelly . I find the argument made by some pundits that Perry was just having problems with his meds terribly unconvincing. It looked to me like her understood the Texas political system well, but failed to grasp just how different a national campaign was. His little folksy quips and one-liners may have won votes in Texas, but they did not translate into effective points in debates.
That, and I think there is a real aversion around the country to another bumbling Texan in the White House. Sure, Jeb is a Bush, but he has tried to sell himself as a competent one that lives in Florida.Report
“Sure, Jeb is a Bush, but he has tried to sell himself as a competent one that lives in Florida.”
CNN is reporting that in a private meeting, Jeb cited George W. as a one of his main advisers on the Middle East.Report
Maybe he isn’t the “smart” Bush after all.Report
What the story didn’t say is this is on the wall of the conference room when they are discussing policy.Report
True. Somebody who is almost always wrong is just as useful as an indicator as somebody who is almost always right. You just need to know what to do with the advice.Report
Please agnostic Jesus, let the GOP nominate this man.Report
Be careful what you wish for. We thought that about Reagan too.Report
I think this is a very plausible read of Perry’s 2011, and why Perry falls in 2015. The reason I am fairly bullish on Perry, though, is that we do have that uncertainty surrounding what actually caused the 2011 problems. I don’t think Perry has to be *brilliant,* per se, to be effective, and I think it’s pretty clear that Perry isn’t conventionally brilliant. My main contention here is that the things we do know about Perry–his staff, his record, his cultural presentation, etc.–lend themselves well to a Republican presidential candidate. And his weaknesses–the debating, the lack of preparation, etc.–may well be explicable and mitigated for this go-around. That uncertainty is why I see Perry as a sleeper, versus someone like John Kasich. Kasich’s weaknesses are clearer, and don’t come from areas where we lack information.
Essentially, we won’t know for a few months whether it’s column A or column B, in terms of why Perry struggled, but that uncertainty is why Perry is the sleeper in the race. And the other stuff–that folks like Avik Roy are signing on–imply that people who may well have more information than we do are banking on Perry being better than he was in 2011.Report
that because America is the land of second chances, anything is possible.
I agree with your take on Perry, especially what we can infer about a person who, while on pain meds, continues to make poor decisions (ie., make a fool of himself).
The other thing is that I agree with (edit: your rejection of) the italicized comment. My view is that we Americans tell ourselves we’re a forgiving people as compensation for our incredible lack of forgiveness. In fact, I think we (as a society!) do the opposite – continue to pummel people when they’re down only relenting when they’re forgotten – outa a desire to administer pain (as you wrote about recently).Report
America is the land of second chances
Unless you do something unforgivable, like have your voice crack during a stump speech.Report
Or to put it another and perhaps more accurate way, you have a candidate who most likely surrounded himself with yes-men who let him do so, told him he was doing awesome, and went on his merry way.
Which appears to be a structural hazard of the GOP these days. That exact thing happened to Romney also, to the point he was shocked when he lost the election.
I mean, we can all joke about GOP being out of touch, but this is something else. This is them having no idea how the public perceives them, which is a pretty stupid failure mode for a campaign.
It’s probably due to:
1) all the political grifters that hang out on the GOP side, people who have no skills at all but have made entire careers ‘advising’ the right
2) the GOP establishment does not cause as much passion, especially at the primary stage, as the Dem establishment. (The GOP ‘rebels’ might cause passion, but that is exactly counterproductive.) So everyone involved is in it for the money.
There’s probably a good post someone could make about that. Someone do that.Report
I’m really disappointed that Mr. Scotto hasn’t engaged in the thread, at all. I mean, there’ve been a number of thoughtful counterpoints made- even a long one from Tod.
Guess I’ll just leave it at that.Report
I believe Dan has himself a real life 9-5 job here in PDX, of the sort that you can’t really spend time surfing online.
I’m sure he’ll be around eventually.Report
Sorry about that! Been a busy few days; finally have a few minutes to catch up.Report
Agreed with @kolohe above. This is a nice piece of analysis (more like it, please!), and it changed my view, though mostly from not having one to agreeing. But I am also skeptical that the debate performances were outliers for Perry. He’ll need to be strikingly better from jump, and stay that way.
Maybe the glasses will help!Report
Thanks! I appreciate the kind words, though I don’t think I’ll be doing much more on the 2016 election for now. I’m basically with the collective consensus, but for seeing Christie as overrated (even if he’s not highly rated right now), and Perry as underrated. Otherwise, I think that Bush, Walker, and Rubio make up the Republican top tier, Perry is the most likely candidate *outside* of the top tier to break into it, and everyone else is in their respective rearview mirrors.Report
Was gonna say that. Could solve the problem. Plus they make him look like Texan Clark Kent.Report
But Perry’s “three agencies” flub was a genuinely significant gaffe, because it bolstered an emerging narrative about Perry being “stupid” or unprepared.
Obama wouldn’t have made the same gaff. If he had forgotten the name of the third agency halfway through, he would have said something else. *Anything* else. Something like ‘Of course, all agencies do something useful, so a list is a bit misleading. Really, we’d get rid of 80% of a bunch departments, merge the remainder together, what we call those remaining departments or what order we do it in isn’t that important…’…or some other bullshit thing. Instead of just standing there fumbling.
Perry is just really that dumb, though. Even *before* that debate, ‘three agencies’ was part of his stump speech…and he screwed it up even *outside* that gaff, by switching in difference agencies. The three are either Commerce, Interior and Energy, or Commerce, Education and Energy, depending when you ask.
The guy literally cannot remember a list of three government departments. Not just once. Multiple times.
Comparisons to Bush are unfair…to Bush.Report