This is just a bad idea on so very many levels.
There’s a guy in Colorado selling shirts with printed guns on them and the printing is true to life and very high quality.
by Jaybird · February 16, 2015
There’s a guy in Colorado selling shirts with printed guns on them and the printing is true to life and very high quality.
Jaybird is Birdmojo on Xbox Live and Jaybirdmojo on Playstation's network. He's been playing consoles since the Atari 2600 and it was Zork that taught him how to touch-type. If you've got a song for Wednesday, a commercial for Saturday, a recommendation for Tuesday, an essay for Monday, or, heck, just a handful a questions, fire off an email to
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And they’re short-sleeved, because you have a right to bare arms.Report
Is it wrong to speculate that no black person will ever buy this shirt?Report
Or this shirt:
Someone would call the cops saying he was pointing the gun at people, then the cops would shoot him when he didn’t put the gun down. The cops would then be cleared of any wrongdoing, because dispatch never told them it was a t-shirt, and they gave him 1.2 seconds to drop the gun anyway.Report
You can see how the heavy hand of government is responsible. The seller would probably LIKE to bar “unfortunately ethnic” people from buying this shirt, for their own safety, but is forced to by federal law. 🙂
That aside, really dumb shirt.Report
There’s one extra letter in that last sentence.Report
There’s a matching hat?Report
Dear god that’s going to get someone killed.
I mean I’m cool it the guy wants to make these and guys want to wear it and own it, but doing so nowadays, especially in areas where folks (and cops) aren’t used to guns is a sure bet for some cop to wack you.
On the plus side, a bunch of guys wearing the same shirt protesting Mom’s Demand Action or other gun banning group WOULD be hilarious.Report
How scary is it that we live in a day and age where we look at that shirt and think, “Welp, a cop is probably going to shoot someone wearing it”?Report
How scary is it that we live in a world when I think about the likelihood of getting shot when a cop pulls me over for speeding or for when I reach for my drivers lisc.?Report
i’m kinda amazed y’all didn’t live in that universe before. maybe i just grew up in an area with really scary cops.Report
Maybe it’s my age. Maybe it’s the extreme privilege I’ve enjoyed. Maybe it’s the fairly limited interactions I’ve had with cops. But I think it is one thing to recognize the potential danger of that shirt. I think it is another to have our first thought be, “A cop IS going to shoot someone in that.”Report
“I think it is another to have our first thought be, “A cop IS going to shoot someone in that.””
well, i mean…do you know any cops? some are good people. a lot are average people. and a significant minority are sadists. why bother pretending to be psychic when you can just treat them all like they’re sadists? it saves time and the life you save may be your own.Report
@dhex , even the cops that are genuinely good people are trained to be paranoid and trigger happy.Report
#NotAllCops is kind of like the #NotAllMen thing. While it might be technically true it both misses the point and ignores the fact that there’s a cultural and systemic issue to deal with.Report
Are there many incidents of police shooting someone because of a holstered gun?Report
Does shooting people because they make furtive movements to things that might be holstered guns count?Report
Are there many incidents of police shooting someone because of a holstered gun?
Probably not as many as there are of police shooting someone because of no weapon at all.Report
“why bother pretending to be psychic when you can just treat them all like they’re sadists? it saves time and the life you save may be your own.”
You know, I understand this was meant as sarcasm.
But the fact is, that is a perfectly reasonable statement, given what we know of recent history.Report
“You know, I understand this was meant as sarcasm.”
i assure you it was not. i have firsthand experience informing why this is my preferred approach, even now as an adult. and i will be certain to give my child similar instruction as i received as a child, and hope that he can skip the other portion of that education i received.Report
This knowledgeable policeman stops and detains a pro-second amendment fellow. The open carry gun is a MP5 semi auto in .22 caliber. Magazine is loaded, breech is empty, stock collapsed.
The detainment was only because the MP5 is widely used in full auto, and would have required special documentation for the local.
I would say this went pretty well for open carry of that type of gun. The police stayed relatively civil and found out what he was required with the minimal amount of investigation.
I hope the ones wearing the shirts meet a reasonable due process and live to tell.Report
I haven’t watched the video.
Would I be incorrect to assume-sight unseen-that the citizen in question was not black?Report
It’s cool, bro. This one cop didn’t fill him full of lead like he was a black guy shopping in a Target, so everything’s overblown.
I mean, that seems to be it. “Look, this one guy with a gun didn’t get shot by a cop!”.
Great. Thrilling. We’re very happy he’s alive. Let’s talk about all the people cops HAVE shot for no freakin’ reason, rather than sitting around talking about how remarkable it is that one cop did his job right one time.Report