Monday Trivia, No. 158 [Mark Thompson wins!]
Minnesota, New York, West Virginia, Missouri, Mississippi, Illinois, California, Ohio.
This is a complete list.
by Mike Schilling · April 14, 2014
Tags: Monday Trivia
Mike Schilling
Mike has been a software engineer far longer than he would like to admit. He has strong opinions on baseball, software, science fiction, comedy, contract bridge, and European history, any of which he's willing to share with almost no prompting whatsoever.
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Are these absolute States?Report
Something something Dodgers Suck something something?Report
Hmm, no Georgia, so it’s not Giants players by home state.Report
I suppose it needs to be said: this one is not about baseball.Report
The absence of Texas from the list confounds me.
I’ll guess states with more square miles of state parks than national parks.Report
With California on the list, I assume you are interpreting national parks narrowly, to exclude national forests, monuments, and wilderness areas?Report
Yes. Quite a lot of California is in such areas. The national park space is not so much, though, unless one counts the square mileage of ocean in the Channel Islands National Park. Yosemite and Sequioa National Parks are actually fairly small compared to the surrounding national forests.
And if we were just talking about Federal land, Nevada would have them all beat.Report
Ditto Colorado, where the national parks take up very little space. The (dying) national forests, national grasslands, and national wilderness areas, though, are enormous.Report
I like the guess, but the non-inclusion of Indiana disconfirms it. Indiana has ~15,000 acres of National Lakeshore along Lake Michigan, the George Rogers Clark memorial of less than 25 acres, and Lincoln’s Boyhood Home of about 200 acres. Brown County State Park, at 15,776 acres, alone has more acreage than those three NPS sites. And I could bore you with a long list of other state parks, but I’ll only mention Turkey Run and Potato Creek state parks, because they sound funny (Turkey Run is gorgeous, and will forever change your view of Indiana as flat and boring).Report
General hints:
* The states are listed in order.
* The list will almost certainly grow in the future.
* If and when it grows, it’s quite possible that some states will appear more than once.Report
I don’t know why, but my gut says that it has something to do with either dead Senators or their replacements, but the fact that NJ and MA are missing tells me that it probably isn’t that.Report
If it’s sports, it would almost have to be college-level. But that list doesn’t look like states that are strong in collegiate sports.Report
States with the highest Obamacare enrollments?Report
* Not sports.
* Not a feature of the state as a whole: e.g.
* Not the height of a mountain.
* Not total length of roads.
* Not the size of its legislature.
* It’s something the states involved could brag about, even commemorate.Report
A resident of that state won an award or held an office, I’m thinking. Poet laureate, baseball commissioner, something like that (but neither of those work). If I’m right, it’d be something that isn’t handed out often / has a long term in office, or only started recently.Report
Maybe not recently; eight successive lifetime appointments to a public office or something like that could go back a hundred years, easily.Report
Site of the largest live music concert?Report
Pinky’s on the right track, but there’s actually a different reason that only eight appear in this list.Report
Winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature.Report
Yes! Now I feel like an idiot.Report
More specifically, it’s American-born winners of the Nobel in Literature by year of award.Report
Yes, these are the home states of Sinclair Lewis, Eugene O’Neill, Pearl Buck, T. S. Eliot, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck, and Toni Morrison respectively.Report
Should Pearl Buck really count?Report