Three Short Essays: One About Jason Collins, One About Basketball, And One About Waiting For Bigots To Finally Be Right
Sam on Jason Collins, basketball, and bigotry.
Sam on Jason Collins, basketball, and bigotry.
Justin Trudeau–Liberal leader, charmer, philosopher prince–isn’t having such a good go of it. The Grits just wrapped up their policy convention, which (since it was in the middle of the Olympics*) I didn’t really...
[Original NYT on which the parody below is based.] Washington — Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said Monday that state attorneys general who believe that laws in their states enforcing the Affordable Care...
The FCC is preparing to send monitors into newsrooms across America, threatening the First Amendment rights of journalists everywhere. Or maybe not. Kevin Drum has the story here. I know I shouldn’t be amazed...
Or, to be more exact, the end of the Love Symposium. Gratitude, teasers, and Madeleine Peyroux after the jump. You should also consider it an open thread.
Load your flintlock, sharpen your tomahawk and let’s head off into the American West. Coonskin caps are optional but don’t forget your buckskins and a good pairs of moccasins.
Jaybird wanders through the Five Languages of Love and Long Distance Relationships before telling you how to live.
This weeks trivia is another state list, starting with Florida and ending with Idaho.
I used to make fun of BBC series for only having six episodes. Then I started watching Sherlock.
I didn’t understand at the time, and I still don’t fully. But I knew that I had changed myself in some fundamental way.
Burt Likko fills in for Will Truman for this week’s aggregation of dozens of links to themed web randomness!