Monday Trivia #148 [Chris wins!]
Pennsylvania has the most with a hundred or two shy of 2,000. New York, Texas, Ohio, Illinois, and North Carolina have over 1,000.
The following, in order, have between 100 and 1000: Michigan, California, Alabama, Wisconsin, (Iowa, Missouri), Minnesota, Oklahoma, New Jersey, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia, Florida, Kansas, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Washington, West Virginia, Louisiana, Nebraska, Massachusetts, Maine, Colorado, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Maryland, Montana, Arizona, Connecticut, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Vermont, Utah, Idaho, Alaska, Wyoming
The following, in order, have fewer than 100: Nevada, Rhode Island, Delaware, Hawaii, and finally DC (which is the only state/district with fewer than 10).
I am guessing either Quakers or Amish.Report
Dams, whether for flood control, electricity, or both.Report
Villages. (A good deal of PA’s are because of the National Forest…)Report
Looking at the last clause in the OP, I should have said “honest men.”Report
What do you have against Hawaiians?Report
I love that. You’re ok with Nevada, Rhode Island, and Delaware being defamed, but not Hawaii. (Although yeah, the tally of honest people in Nevada is probably right.)Report
No defamation intended — only cynicism. Even Pennsylvania is damned if it truly has fewer than 2,000 honest men.Report
why do you value honesty so highly?
I can still be Lawful Evil and be honest about it.Report
I rot13’ed that because I don’t want to put a stop to the game.Report
Not the correct answer, actually.Report
I’m stunned.Report
I’ve got to be close though. Something like ibgvat qvfgevpgf.Report
It’s not wholly unrelated to the answer.Report
Pinky, I have a feeling this one is going to be answered pretty quickly. No need to Rot13 on this one (though I appreciate the thought).Report
Public offices attained by election?Report
School districts.Report
IIRC either Alaska or Hawaii has only one school district for the whole state.Report
Early Hint: Even DC has more than one of the answer.Report
Or toxic waste dumps. I know PA is up there in the number of toxic waste sites, but I don’t know if they’re at the top, or how many they have.Report
Shot in the dark, since I’m having trouble checking my answer: CDPs?Report
Found the list. That’s not it. Not just “places,” either.Report
I looked up state with the most zip codes (thinking that might be the answer), and found 3 sources, one of which said Texas, one of which said California, and one of which said New York. Argh. Well, at least none said PA.Report
Police stations?Report
Fire departments!Report
(I think I might have accidentally gotten this one right!!!!)Report
I am king of the world (for the week)!Report
So is Michigan number 7 or number 46? #confusedReport
Poor phrasing on my part. Fortunately, readers were able to pick up my slack.Report
LOL So, what’s the answer?Report
Fire departments.Report