Fantasy Football Reminder
Hey all you NFL fans! Don’t forget to sign up for Ordinary Times’ fantasy football league this year, fantasy football league!
I hear a lot of agitation for a live draft. We can do that, if everyone will commit to a particular time to be available. We’ll do it on a Google Hangout if everyone can commit. It’s a good time, a fine opportunity for trash talk and bad poetry, and most of all, the ability for you to demonstrate why you, and not Jason Garrett, ought to be managing a NFL team!
Yeah, that’s right, I went there, throwing around some smack against the Cowboys. What, you don’t like it? Join the league and smack me down as hard as you can. I
It depends on the day that the draft will be whether I can commit to a live draft or not. I would have to know pretty soon so I can plan around it. If not I already have my strategy set out for the auto draft.Report
I might be able to do a live draft.
Also, if I don’t get Randle Cobb, there is no justice in the world.Report
Tebow would give too much of an unfair advantage. I suggest we adopt something like a Gretzky rule.Report
Paulina Gretzky.Report
I recommend picking a life draft slot through Yahoo. That always works much better than going third party. And anyone who can’t make it can still set up an auto draft. Trying to build consensus will be impossible. Just do your best to pick a time that should be generally convenient and everyone will do their best to be available.Report
That sounds good to me.Report
On the live draft: If we do a live draft, it would have to be on Labor Day, September 2. Arbitrarily, I pick noon, Pacific time.
Could everyone commit to that?Report
We will celebrate Labor Day by mimicking the ceremony in which people who have been forbidden for the previous four years from sharing in the fruits of their efforts are once again prevented from selling their talents to the highest bidder. Sounds like a plan!Report
I’d have to talk to ‘bou but I’m 99% sure that I’m in.Report
I may have to labor on that day. If so, I will just auto pick if that is okay. Or else take a lunch and get on hangout on the phone.Report
Should be good for me.Report
Should be there.Report