Suck on That, Everywhere Else!
Batman is from Jersey. BOOM!
One man. Two boys. Twelve kids.
June 27, 2021
September 11, 2012
October 18, 2024
Thanks to your generosity, we were able to upgrade our service plan. Hopefully this will help us address some of our performance issues.
Cement Heads for the Cement Show
March 8, 2025
Suppertime and the living is easy
March 7, 2025
March 6, 2025
Snug as a Bug in a Rug. Until…
March 5, 2025
“What are you?”
“I’m da (k)night.”
(Lifts shirt, shows bulletproof torso armor with abs carved into surface)Report
And thats just kindergarten i NJReport
I have that Atlas. It puts Metropolis in Delaware, if I have my source straight.Report
Of course in real life there is nothing at all in Delaware except for a section of I-95 that takes you someplace else away from Delaware. They do claim to have a college town called Newark which they pronounce wrong.Report
I was just talking about this with a friend. Delaware is able to keep their taxes so low because of that little stretch of I-95 and their insane tolls along it.Report
Yeah there are a buttload of tolls for that little frickin stretch. We’ve been back east 2 or 3 times in the last few years and that part is always a pain. They also cater to the insurance industry if i remember.Report
Thankfully they’ve finally installed some EZPass Express lanes, which means you pay an arm and a leg but it doesn’t take you 45 minutes for the pleasure.
I think in general they cater to big corporations because of laws and regulations. It is why so much junk mail has a return address in Delaware… lots of companies keep an office there.Report
False! There are also drunk people on a pretty nice beach.Report
I spent two summers sailing out of North East, Maryland. Idyllic.Report
Where do all the people come from? At lest NJ has enough people to at east theoretically house a major city. Delaware does not.
Placing Metropolis in Delaware makes no sense. The city always had a Mid West feel to it. A city surrounded by prairie.Report
You had me at Kevin Smith, but batman is good too.Report
Screw that, Gotham is Philly, and Metropolis is NYC.Report
I can’t see Gotham as Philly. Philly doesn’t have the right reputation. I can see Gotham as Chicago, which kind of has the same reputation but the wrong geographical feel.
I think this is why why Marvel made a wise decision when they decided to use real world geography as much as possible.Report
You kidding me? Gotham is philly without populist intervention.
NYC wasn’t always the banking stronghold of America.Report
But the internet indicates he’s not stronger than the StormReport
(he’s stronger than the Stormtrooper though)Report
My read was always that Gotham was Chicago at the mouth of the Hudson River, and Metropolis was New York on the Shores of Lake Michigan.Report
I always thought Gotham=Chicago as well.
However, Metropolis was also more like Cincinnati or Columbus to me. Maybe even a larger Kansas City. Very Midwestern.
Though I will almost buy Gotham as Newark, Trenton, Camden, and Hoobken combined.Report
There’s some fairness in that.
But Metropolis always has the super-cosmopolitanism and capital of the world feeling that I associate with New York. I’d expect to find The UN Building and the World Trade Center in Metropolis, for example.Report
But…Gotham is an old nickname for New York City. Why is there even any doubt?Report
I always assumed Batman was from here.Report