Monthly Archive: May 2013

Get a grip, Mr. Aravosis

Friends in the LGBT equality movement, let’s take a minute to right-size our perspective, shall we? We have made tremendous strides in the past few years.  It’s gotten to the point that three states...

Chasing Rainbows

A few weeks back, I asked my students what color play dough they wanted to make.  After a few rounds of run-off voting, they decided unanimously for rainbow.  Of course.

Yes. Yes It Was.

Asked about his ongoing verbal spat with Tiger Woods, Sergio Garcia said the following: “We’ll have him ’round every night. We will serve fried chicken.” After the inevitable backlash, he said this: “I answered...

Atheism, Paganism, and the God of Abraham

Several months ago, Rod Dreher, responding to several commenters on his blog, wondered whether a decline of Christianity in the West will lead to an atheistic society or a pagan one.  There are, to...

The Appearance Of Impropriety

Spotted: @joshtpm @capehartj @ezraklein & other lefty columnists headed into the West Wing as a group. POTUS coffee? Carney meeting? Anyone? — Ari Shapiro (@arishapiro) May 21, 2013   The number one thing that...

Driving Blind: One Xbox to Rule Them All

Slim pickings today because I spent so much time research the new #XBone and snarking it up with everyone else on Twitter. David Bezmozgis describes how he writes, including using Freedom to block the Internet...

This Is Why the GOP Can’t Have Nice Things

Maybe Georgia Republicans were right after all; maybe Obama really does a Marvel-comics-like mind control ray. How else does one explain the obliviously self-destructive actions of Rand Paul and the entire right-wing media machine...

Is This Wrong?

My school has uniforms.  Female students have options that allow them to wear dresses/skirts or not to.  However, for certain occasions, formal dress is required.  This demands that the girls wear either a dress...

Hegel on the Playground

It is hard having children out-of-step with your friends. Ten months ago, you were down to hit the town on a Thursday night. You HAD been to the new noodles place, thanks very much,...

A call for prayers and good wishes to OKC

By now probably everyone knows about the devastation that wracked Oklahoma City and its suburbs, especially the town of Moore. As regular readers of mine will know, my sister teaches at the University in...

No Church in the Wild

From BlaiseP’s recent obituary of Kenneth Waltz: Da Vinci once said “Although nature commences with reason and ends in experience it is necessary for us to do the opposite, that is to commence with...

Go Ahead, Vote Your Identity

Give Jessica Valenti credit; she’s not afraid to be ahead of the curve. At least that’s one explanation for her piece at The Nation, “Why I’m Voting for Her.” We’re all to assume, as...

In The First Circle Bookclub!

“Russia in fact no longer existed – Only the Soviet Union…” (Our kickoff post is here, and our discussion posts are here, here, here, here, here, and here.) Thanks to Living Colour, we’re all...