3D Printers Are A Game-Changer, But Not For the Reasons You Think….
There’s been a bit of buzz about how the advent of 3D Printing might bring down the concept of traditional gun control. While it’s understandable for American publications and audiences to be concerned about the domestic impact of such inventions, I think on the whole the role of 3D printers will have in terms of practical regulations on guns is negligible in the immediate to medium run. In terms of American domestic politics, the only real side effect I could see of ubiquitous 3D printing of fire arms are two fold. 1. The beginning of the end of ballistics related forensics in tracking murder weapons and 2. the potential end of the NRA as it exists. Rather the more interesting impact of 3D Printers will be felt in terms of macroeconomic impacts and global trade.
Reasons why after the jump.
First, let’s discuss the irrelevance of 3D Printers on both the domestic and global availability of fire-arms. Small arms are one of the most ubiquitous items on Earth. Even without 3D printers, gunsmiths in locales as remote as Darra Adam Khel have no problem producing complicated small arms and ammunition which are for all intents and purposes indistinguishable (and in fact probably better constructed) than mass produced weapons from Russian, American and other western factories. In terms of US domestic weapons availability, as my colleague Burt Likko correctly notes, there are already plenty of weapons floating around the American market. Even if gun production were to stop immediately tomorrow, there’s going to be a large stockpile of weapons for decades afterward.
Moreover, the existence of grey and second hand markets in guns where there are substantial loopholes in everything from background checks to sales restrictions also means that from a US domestic stand point, this doesn’t really increase the difficulty of keeping weapons out of the hands of people in general. One might also note that there are something like 1,000 major manufacturers of small arms, and a global stockpile of around a billion floating around. Nor is making simple breach loading smoothbores out of common house hold materials all that difficult.
In short, the existence of the Liberator and higher end siblings such as the plastic rifle demonstrated will not materially change availability of small arms either for US criminals or for dissident groups abroad.
On a practical political level, the people who should be most worried about home-produced weapons are not the 3D printer manufacturers or even potential victims of violence, but rather the small arms manufacturing industry and forensics. The first because the price of 3D printers are falling quite quickly, the variety of materials available is becoming more diverse and because getting “patterns” for any type of small arm is likely to become easier than it is now within two or three generations of more widespread 3D printing adoptation.
The total US fire-arm market is worth about 2.5-3 billion USD a year, with about 60% of those sales coming from actual weapons and the rest coming from ammunition. The trend over the last 2 decades has been steady consolidation in the global small arms market. This in turn has led to somewhat less competition and a standardization of available weapons, particularly long-guns like rifles. Problematically the economic data associated with a lot of analysis is based on incomplete or second, even third order metrics. That said, the US has steadily decreased the number of factories and firms producing both fire arms and ammunition since the 1990s and this trend seems set to continue.
Why is this important?
The National Rifle Association (NRA) is a powerful interest group lobby within the US political arena. They have been crucial in resisting efforts to restrict access to firearms of any sort. Their formidable influence is in part due to the high degree of support they receive from large manufacturers like Colt, Remington et. al. While it’s likely that they’d retain some influence (so long as ammunition manufacturers continued their support), the widespread adoption of 3D printed weapons would eat into the interests of their most important allies and members. In turn it’s possible that the NRA may lose influence as more potential customers choose to download blue prints online for free rather than go through the trouble of buying a brand new gun of metal and other parts.
Also worthy of note is that disposal of plastic printed weapons is somewhat easier and novel than those of manufactured weapons so common today. The difficulties associated with melting back down an object made of plastic in a 3D printer is going to be easier than disposing of a metal weapon. While murder weapon disposal is hardly a new concept, the ability to make weapons that are comparably lethal to traditional guns without their drawbacks in disposal or even detection (e.g. metal detectors) seem to add a nightmare element of traceability.
Finally to the grand, overall point I wanted to make.
There is always a tendency for discussions to be focused on what the impact of technology might be on the current discussion de jure rather than the larger picture of what disruptive impacts it’ll have. The 3D Printer seems to be destined to be one of those technologies.
We’ve had a fair number of discussions about the morality and utility associated with sourcing low-skill industrial jobs out of the US. I generally take the tack that it’s unhelpful to label everything in the developing world a “sweat shop” and to make sweeping statements about how sweatshops are a broader moral good, but I am in agreement that industrialization does provide a development outlet that wouldn’t otherwise exist. (Hence I am in general in favor of methods that help both harness low cost, low-skill labor, while making sure we meet certain bare minimum obligations like non-exploitative relationships between employers and employees…but more on that some other time.)
Of course, what happens when 3D printers become sufficiently ubiquitous and flexible to the point where we begin to need less of this low-skill labor?
As more materials and complexity become possible with 3D printing technology (and other individual scale production technology), the long term end game is likely to be a situation where most middle-class American households can meet a substantial number of their basic needs not by buying finished products, but by downloading patterns of one sort or another and simply using physical stores as a means of stocking up on raw materials. We’re not talking about complexity or scale at the level of Diamond Age or 24th century Star Trek replicators, nor are we talking a post-scarcity economy like those two settings. But it is a situation where we start seeing an even more substantial bifurcation of value between intellectual property and material property.
Why should this be a concern?
Broadly speaking my arguments (which I hope to expand upon in a later post) come in three flavors:
1. There is already a trend toward intellectual property regime and standards based trade blocs developing.
A substantial amount of industry has actually stopped sourcing to the cheapest labor source (usually in Southeast Asia) and instead have begun to move their operations back into North America as a result of fears over IP theft. This has in turn helped spur economies like Mexico’s, which have synchronized their IP regimes with US standards (as part of NAFTA) and taken on sourcing tasks that would have otherwise gone to China or India. A substantial portion of interests b the TPP participants (and a comparable Transatlantic agreement) is driven by the need and desire to harmonize standards for patent protection to accounting standards, with a goal toward creating a coherent bloc of compliance standards.
2. Large-scale availability of individual scale automated fabrication is likely to exacerbate the trade blocs developing re: point 1.
As concerns over everything from IP protection to cyber security start driving trade policy, there’s a strong likelihood that restrictions on the export of certain technologies and conflicts over compliance to certain standards will become the de facto battleground for trade conflicts in the coming years. The reason is simple: money. Once selling trinkets becomes less profitable, the money will be in microtransactions to buy the rights to self-make a certain trinket.
3. Economies that have relied on low-skill, low-cost labor are likely to face substantial barriers to development as a result.
As much as persistent poverty is an issue, the likelihood is that this will become an even greater problem as low-skill, low-cost labor stops becoming a competitive trade advantage. I’m still working out how this might come to pass, but I think it’s likely that the advancements in affordability and complexity of 3D printing will outstrip the ability of developing economies to build up a sufficient economic base before low-skill labor stops being an asset… This last point is the game-changer and the implications somewhat trouble me. More on this later.
Qu’vatlh ghuy’cha’ baQa’! Starfleet only allows replication of white zin!Report
If I recall the episode correctly, wasn’t that actually some Klingon drink?Report
Also, not only is it white zin, it’s white zin with SYNTHEHOL.Report
I agree the use of lathes and milling machines is not exactly a state secret. Recall that you can build good pistols with 1850-1860s technology. Yes it may take some skill with the machines. Less if you got CNC controlled machines, and good templates. (The lathe bores the barrel, the milling machines make the non round parts.) The more interesting tech question is rather what can be built with additive technology that could not be built with subtractive technology (the old way you take a blank or a piece of stock and make it into a part).Report
The important consideration so far — and at least for plastic printed guns, likely to remain true indefinitely — is that they’re producing zip guns. Single shot, difficult to reload, and especially if a higher-powered round sneaks in, likely to blow up in the user’s hand. They’re bulky to the point of being difficult to hide to make up for the weakness of the material, and they’re inaccurate at ranges beyond a few yards.
Spot on about the lathe and a milling attachment and building real guns. The Sten fully-automatic submachine gun comes immediately to mind. Designed in WWII to be buildable in a modest workshop — one Danish resistance group manufactured them in a bicycle repair shop. Detailed drawings available on the Internet or through your friendly neighborhood public library, if you know which books to borrow. Other than some welding, all the parts produced by subtractive methods (or stamping, and anything you can stamp can be cut on a mill, even if it’s time consuming).
The only scenario that I worry about with printed plastic guns is the bright, but lacking in common sense, ten-year-old who downloads the files, prints the gun on their parents’ printer, loads it with one of the high-powered rounds same parents neglected to lock up, and then has the weapon blow up in their hand. Possibly losing the hand, possibly blinded by flying fragments, possibly but less likely dying. I’m willing to entertain small bets that this happens well before someone uses a printed gun for criminal or terrorist activities.Report
One of my friends has been 3d-printing the GlaDOS lamp recently. Total printing time in excess of 70 hours, several bad batches, one batch of the base material thrown out due to humidity contamination from improper storage, and another 25+ hours of sanding, filling, and re-sanding each component before he was even able to start painting it for assembly.
While I will agree that eventually this technology may produce interesting economic effects, for the moment the greatest risk we face is to the plastic coat-hanger industry and they’re producing coat hangers for pennies apiece. Meanwhile his estimated cost to produce 10,000 coat hangers would be around $1 per hanger even before we calculate his lost time, effort, and electric bill.Report
But if I can print a hanger whenever I need one, then I don’t need ot go to the store just for one. Even if it is far cheaper in a store.Report
You could order a pack of hangers in the mail from Target or Walmart’s website, too. You don’t actually have to leave the house.
I suppose that if you need a hanger immediately (I won’t judge you for whatever reasons you need the hanger, Murali) and you can’t wait for it to come in three days, and it is an inconvenience to get one on the way home from work where you buy food, then yes a 3D printer might be good for you.
But it is already so, so convenient to buy most consumer goods that a home 3D printer will have to offer fairly high quality goods to be a serious form of competition with factory-produced-retail consumer goods.
I certainly can see hangers that are comparable in quality to retail ones, but not much else.Report
I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. I usually see no 3 and 5….
Anyways, I’ve found that some times the demand for hangers in the house exceeds the supply of said hangers.Report
And this is of the UTMOST importance if you absolutely must have all your pants on this type of hanger and all of your shirts on that type of hanger.
But surely no one here is that silly.Report
But surely no one here is that silly.
Errm Guilty as charged????
I also have to have both two way sitches in the off position even if the light would be still be switched off if they were both in the on position. I’m OCD that way.Report
Of course they’re on different hangers, a trouser hanger is different to a shirt hanger – trouser hangers have clips on them. If you put trousers on a shirt hanger they’ll keep sliding off.Report
Fold the trousers longways seam-to-seam, then fold in half once and slip the fold over the lower loop of the hanger.Report
Do wear dress trousers much? Because dress trousers tend to slip off a hangar when you try to hang them like that.Report
Not American dress slacks.
At least mine don’t. Or only rarely.Report
Corduroys and khakhis, mostly. I’ll admit to owning a few clip hangers for my dress trousers and I understand what you mean on that score. The higher the thread count the more likely they are to be slippery.Report
Did you ever find Sarah Conor?Report
Yeah, and she smushed my head in a big metal crusher.
Let’s not discuss it.
Now I am trying to find Sarah Marshall.Report
Forget Sarah Marshall dude, she’s not worth it.Report
As noted in the OP, my point is more of a long-term consequences, including and anticipating continual improvements to the hardware.
Also, why would he have to make 10,000 coat hangers when he only needs a couple?
This is even more so when we’re talking about being able to casually create items in small batches without the hassle of using energy (whether simple expenditure of physical energy or of something more material like gasoline), transportation time and the time lag usually associated with doing without something for a short time while you find a reason to go the store may in absolute utility terms outweigh the immediate cost of producing the item yourself.Report
Yeah, but most of the time we’re already expending time and energy (gas for the car) in going to the store for food (or work, or goods that are too difficult to print well). If the hardware store is next door, you can pick up hangers when you buy bread, just as easily and efficiently as getting a pattern and printing them at home.Report
You’re discounting a few things.
Electric bill.
Printing time.
He spent an enormous amount of money on his 3D printer, plus base material, plus the wiring and component cost for LEDs and driver, plus personal construction time spent sanding, filling, and evening out the printing inconsistencies to make this. If I found someone selling a plastic model kit for it I’d just buy the thing and it’d be cheaper for me to do so.Report
Yeah, I think 3D printers are more likely to get us making and using new things (new kids toys, say, or who knows what) than replacing things we already buy at retail outlets.Report
While I will agree that eventually this technology may produce interesting economic effects, for the moment the greatest risk we face is to the plastic coat-hanger industry and they’re producing coat hangers for pennies apiece.
My son works for a high-end model train company (if you need a model of a 1953 — as distinct from a 1954 — GE diesel/electric locomotive painted in that year’s UP colors for your setup, call them). Most of the molding is done in China. According to him, no one manufactures plastic hangers per se. Each mold for plastic parts makes many parts; the parts are connected by a “tree” formed by the channels through which the liquid plastic flows. At some firms, the tree is intentionally shaped so that after the target parts are trimmed off, the tree is… a hanger. If there are orders for hangers, they get bundled up and shipped. If there are no orders, they got tossed back in the vat to be remelted. “Pennies” is probably an overestimate of the cost to manufacture a hanger.Report
There’s certainly enormously exciting potential with 3d printing though as some of the commentors note it’s well out in the future right now.
To your point about a potential need for less low cost labor I’d say all the more reason to encourage development using low cost labor as long as it’s feasible (and of course to support efforts to accelerate the progression of low cost labor economies into better ones by encouraging their governments to evolve into more responsive responsible ones and supporting labor in general). The more countries that’re in or near the first world when/if 3d printing becomes ubiquitous the better (it’d mean more first world educated brains available to contribute to the design pool and of course less human suffering).Report
You’re surely right that at the moment, 3D printing produces only plastic goods, but we already have computer-controlled machine shops and woodworking facilities. I can foresee community “print shops” akin to Kinko’s. Not everyone wants to invest in a computer-controlled plastic extrusion molder, metal lathe, wood kit, and the other sorts of hardware needed to come up with the parts for furniture, kitchen gadgets, and the like.
The result will be that for a few bucks, or for free, you’ll be able to get plans to take down on your thumb drive to the local machining shop. Or maybe there will be one next to the Home Depot, which will also sell you the raw materials. You’ll rent the machining facility for twenty dollars or so, and pop in a foot of steel and a dozen or so 2x4s, and boom, you’ve got yourself the parts for a bedframe that assembles with about the same ease as an IKEA bookshelf kit you order online today. Saves you hundreds of dollars. Furniture stores (and, for that matter, IKEA) are out of business because they’re superfluous.
It’ll be like what happened with Amazon. What happens to the middlemen? They’ll have to figure out something new to do — they’ll become materials suppliers, finishing shop proprietors, or designers of the new templates for the products they used to retail. It’ll be rough and the transition period is going to suck, especially for them. But in the long run, it’ll work out.
What happens to developing countries? Some of them make it, and skip directly to something approximating first-world prosperity if they can get enough electricity and enough capital invested to build their own finishing shops. Others don’t, and become raw material suppliers.Report
AS to the machine shops they do exist at least in some smaller towns, and in universities. You can take a design and if feasable they can quote a price. (I did a search on custom machine shops texas and got a number of hits) So that part is there today, in terms of subtractive manufacturing.Report
Ikea won’t go out of business that easily.
Logistics, dear — and economies of scale.Report
I agree with Kimsie.
Isn’t a “print shop” for cruddy consumer goods what Ikea is already?
The 3D print shop will need machines, staff, technicians to fix machines, loading and unloading staff to take in sheets of steel and lumber and to recycle scraps. That will cost you money when you go to rent a machine at the print shop, just like getting things from Ikea’s factories costs money. And the print shop will need to profit, just like Ikea does. If people themselves are using the machines, their will need to be staff to supervise, which may cost more than having workers actually operate the machines.
There would be some savings in that a print shop wouldn’t need retail space. But then again, Ikea could compete by killing their retail stores and having people do all their shopping and ordering online, thus lowering costs. Or just having small Ikea retail stores that display a limited number of goods.
But Ikea saves money by producing a lot of these items en mass in a factory line and then selling them. If the print shop is selling custom items from different patterns, cut and formed one at a time, that is slower and (I suspect) more costly in terms of energy and labor.
Maybe you’re right, but I’m suspicious.Report
I think the point here is actually more that at some point, small scale automated production will become so ubiquitous and cheap (as in comparable in terms of price points with getting people in Bangladesh to make something similar in batches of 1000000) that it will cut out the retail middle man and simply make designers compete on the quality of design rather than on things like total price including factors like labor, ingredients (to a point).Report
But internet sales also cut out retail costs, too.
There isn’t much difference in cost or efficiency between getting a pattern online (some will cost money) and buying material (in the mail or that you go drive and get) and printing out some consumer good and seeing a picture online, having a factory “print it out” and then they send it to you in the mail or you go pick it up in person.
The 3D goods will need to be as good a quality to compete, because it is already so cheap and efficient and easy to buy factory-produced goods, it almost can’t be easier, cheaper, or more efficient to do it at home.Report
The difference is that Ikea decides what to stock, so its not custom, where as the shop mentioned would produce purely custom products, as indeed some machine shops do today. (Of course one has to ask if the additional cost of a custom produce is justified by its additional value over a non custom product). So the big difference is that 1 no inventory of finished goods, 2 everything is custom made. For a slightly different area, one sees this happening in the CD market right now, in the classical area at least one can get CD’s burned on demand so that the vendor does not need to keep an inventory with all the costs that that implies. The same is true of books. 3 d printing could do this to at least some other goods.Report
You’re surely right that at the moment, 3D printing produces only plastic goods…
They print parts in a variety of metals (the general technique is called direct metal sintering/melting, or similar words). Stainless steel, titanium, brass, bronze, gold and silver are metals that I know are available. Material strength is on a par with casting. One of the interesting stories that appeared recently was about construction of a lower jaw for a woman who had some rapidly-progressing bone disease. A series of MRI images were used to model her entire jaw exactly, a titanium duplicate was printed, and surgery to replace the diseased jaw with the printed part was successful.
The machines are, of course, bigger, much more expensive, and consume a lot more power.Report
I’m sorry, but I just don’t see this tech, as cool as it is, being seriously disruptive to the mass-production paradigm. Why, I was just reading in that copy of Sci-Am that I printed up on my home printer the other day… wait, that didn’t happen. And it didn’t happen because it would take an hour or so of my time and cost probably five times as much as buying it on the newsstand. Cheap, ubiquitous, high quality printing tech didn’t disrupt the commercial printing industry–it took the advent of e-book tech to do that.
On the other hand, just after reading this post, I caught a ride to Wal-mart with another driver in a partially restored, ’72 AMC Javelin. Cool little car; shades of my youth. Interior needs a lot of work, though. In particular, a number of plastic pieces on the dash, door panels, etc. are cracked, broken, or otherwise messed up. They’re also completely and totally unavailable commercially. The guy said he got an estimate from a guy that had an injection-molding business to replace all the interior panels for about $2500. I could see the same thing being done on a 3-d printer, more quickly, accurately, and for maybe a tenth the cost.
The real beauty of these things if for unique, one-off items, prototyping, small-batch runs, personalization, etc. Additionally, I can see one of these being extremely useful in remote locations, off the beaten path of our factory-shipping-retail network. Places like McMurdo Station. It will be critical if we ever decide to colonize Mars or something.Report