Monthly Archive: May 2013

Best Video Game Ever Series

Is there a particular video game you’re dying to tell us is the most space awesome game ever?  We’ll be doing a brief series here starting the third week of June.  We’re looking for...

Okay, Is This Wrong?

Yesterday, a student brought in cupcakes to celebrate his birthday, as is our routine*.  However, he opted to bring in Spider-Man cupcakes for the boys and Hello, Kitty cupcakes for the girls, distributing them...

There Is No Conservative Reform Movement

I think it’s fair to say that, excepting those conservatives with a passion for solitude, these are not halcyon days for members of the center-right. On the political end you’ve got guys like Ted...

The Principled Pragmatic Reader

Last week I got an email from reader Karen, who asked if I would be willing to share some book titles that might help her better know and understand my political philosophy of principled...

Mental Hacks for the Modern Worker

As readers know from my previous posts, my career has been a state of flux as of late. Although I still like my employer, I am not crazy about my current position and I’ve...

On Conservative Strawmen

I’ve never really understood Michael Tomansky’s role at the Daily Beast other than to write screeds about how evil Republicans and conservatives are. I never had much love for pundits whose sole duty in...