College Education in the 21st Century Syposium: Reminder
Monday Ap marks the start of the latest League Symposium: College Education in the 21st Century. Consider this a last call for submissions. ril 8th
As usual, we’ve opted to keep the topic broad making the list of potential subjects almost limitless. All that we ask is that your submission be related (some way, some how) to the main theme and that it be well written. Submission information is below the fold.
Please send your submissions to
Hey. I sent a copy of my essay to Tod. I can send it to you tonight as well if you want.Report
Either way. I’m pretty sure Tod will be cool with forwarding it to me.Report
is the deadline today or tomorrow?Report
Well, I didn’t really set a deadline. I’m perfectly fine with getting stuff by sometime this weekend.Report
The last minute. Just like academia. How appropriateReport
And law school and pretty much every brief I ever wrote. There’s something exhilarating about deadline pressure.Report
If I manage to pull something about medical school together*, do you want me to send it to you first, or just post it when it’s ready?
* by no means a certaintyReport
Please send it to me, Doc. Depending on the entries, I might group things thematically. And I certainly hope you can get something together.Report
I’ll put together a post on what types of knowledge we should be teaching people to make them better citizens. I’ll be giving my thoughts, but I’m mostly interested in getting a discussion going.Report
I’ll write on grad school in history. There is this seemingly bottomless well of bitterness within me, I find.Report
You went or are going to history grad school?Report
i expect the first slide is one of those bogs in scotland they find mummified corpses in?Report
“In early medieval Germany, graduate work consisted of having ones fingernails forcibly removed from one’s fingers with tweezers while running on a giant wheel and being flailed. Between that time and today, graduate school has only gotten worse.”
To be fair, of all the graduate programs I have knowledge of, history is the worst.Report
I’m having an awesome time in my graduate philosophy program. I don’t know if it is the funnest, but it ranks up there.Report
Just to keep the authorship straight, if I get one done (73.5% chance), I’ll put it in the queue in draft form and let you publish it, Michelle.Report
That is a lovely picture of a lovely campus selected for this post. After lo these many years it still makes me happy to see it. Excellent choice.Report
It’s my undergrad alma mater. Are you also a graduate?Report
Oh yes. Santa Cruz dorm my first year; a cruddy little apartment off Embarcadero del Mar my second year; and a better place in back I.V. across the street from Francisco Torres, almost to Ellwood, my last year. Lots of Freebird’s burritos and Woodstock’s pizza.Report
Holy shit! I suspect I predated you by a few years but I know that territory well. I was at Woodstock’s more than once, but I don’t remember Free Bird’s. There was also some Mexican place where they never bothered to card anyone (can’t remember the name).
Was Borsodi’s still around when you were there?Report
The year before I started attending, Borsodi’s got bought out and became known as “Javan’s.” I never went there all that much other than for the actual coffee, although I learned far too late that I should have hung out there more often as this was where the musicians went to do impromptu gigs to warm up for a show on campus or in the park. Apparently I once missed k.d. lang doing an acoustic set there by about four hours, and I swore up a blue streak about it for days afterwards.
Also during my last year there, The Graduate became “The Anaconda.” Never could figure out why they needed to change a perfectly good name. Certainly better than back when it was known as “Bank of America.”
Carding was pretty light at a place called McBurley’s, which sold Fatburger-style burgers and cheese fries next to the bike tunnel onto campus, and which got most of its business from the Delta Tau Delta house next door back before the DTD’s got their house ticket pulled for hazing pledges and McBurley’s got caught one time too many not asking for ID when they should have. If the staff were carding, three guys owned a golden retriever who loved drinking beer as much as his masters, and they’d buy your pitcher for you if you gave some to the dog. In retrospect, that was probably not really in the dog’s best interests, but in my defense, I was nineteen.
Good times…Report
Good times indeed. I think the Bank of America was still the Bank of America most of the time I was there. It then became a video arcade. And the Mexican restaurant I used to frequent was Serranitos. Great place, albeit kind of a dive.
I worked for the Daily Nexus as a reporter and later editor and spent lots of time hanging out in the offices under Storke Tower. I took my husband on the grand tour a few years back. The campus has really grown. Lots of buildings I didn’t recognize. But the surroundings always overshadowed the buildings anyway. If I ever won the lotto, I’d go back to live in Santa Barbara. Happy sigh.Report
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