Gang Green
The Green Party is so irrelevant, they can’t even get arrested, as they say. Heh–sure they can.
The Green Party is so irrelevant, they can’t even get arrested, as they say. Heh–sure they can.
One or two previous post have concerned insurance, and insuring MON TIKI is all that stands between us and a launch this Saturday at Montauk Marine Basin. The surveyor was by today, impressed with...
The Federal Defense of Marriage Act has already been held unconstitutional by a Federal Circuit Court of Appeals. Today’s decision from the Second Circuit following suit and consciously anticipating SCOTUS review applies the “intermediate scrutiny” standard...
Over at Blinded Trials the esteemed Dr. Saunders has a post up about how W. Mitt Romney, much like John McCain before him, has managed to alienate potential voters with his mendacity and pandering to the...
Okay, this was outed in the comments on Will’s post, so I’ll just put it here where everyone can see. One of the reasons (there are several) that I have done so little posting...
We had a clear understanding. There was a scheduled c-section on Monday. It is apparently the case that not-quite-newborns don’t abide my mutual understandings. Heading to the hospital…
Now, for the low, low subscription price of $14 per year, you can get content from the League of Ordinary Gentlemen delivered to your doorstep on paper — as little as several days after...
Eban Alexander has journeyed to heaven and returned to tell the tale. In addition to writing an upcoming book, he chose to publish his private revelation in the pages of Newsweek. He’s a neurosurgeon,...