Instant Pleasure (on Rufus Wainwright, Coffee, and Running Shoes)

Sam Wilkinson

According to a faithful reader, I'm Ordinary Times's "least thoughtful writer." So I've got that going for me, which is nice.

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14 Responses

  1. Kyle Cupp says:

    Ridiculously good singer captures Rufus Wainwright well. “Poses” is probably my favorite song of his, but I agree that “Instant Pleasure” is remarkable for the reason you mention.

    Useless trivia: one of my colleagues at the office has a bust of Rufus at her desk.Report

  2. Glyph says:

    From the song above, he doesn’t seem like my cup of tea, but I might give him another go based on your (and others’) recommendation, and because certain clues point to him possibly being a Psychedelic Furs fan, one of my picks for one of the great underrated rock bands of the 80’s.

    Compare Rufus’ most recent album cover:

    With this one:

    And the blunt directness of the quoted lyrics makes me think of:

  3. Glyph says:

    Hey Sam, my comment is in moderation due to links, can you please free it?

    Or, feel free to delete it, it’s actually a tangent.Report

  4. I have yet to convert to the barefoot running religion myself. I was going, one of these days, to write about the ridiculousness of factions within such a frivolous thing as the running community, but now I don’t have to!Report

  5. Glyph says:

    Well, believe what you must, but you’re Wrong. And Ignorant. 😉

    Am I doing this Internet thing correctly?Report

  6. Mike Schilling says:

    I’ll have to check Rufus out. I’ve loved his old man ever since I first saw him on M*A*S*H.

    Oh, it’s not Corregidor
    It’s only Korea
    It’s a lousy little war
    But we’d still love to see ya.
    With your corncob pipe
    And your five golden stars

  7. amspirnational says:

    ‘It’s so much better than wading through some songwriter taking four minutes to communicate precisely the same thing.”

    What you call a songwriter’s common absurd artifice, I call a jumbled conflation.
    Most songs “absurdly” apotheosize, perhaps, an individual woman, but your analysis
    says most men and women over substantial periods of time are looking only to get laid
    and rarely if ever to get loved. That’s what the couplet in fact says and why it’s not particularly