Play of Light
From beneath MON TIKI’s deck, around noon today. No larger point.
by David Ryan · August 14, 2012
David Ryan
David Ryan is a boat builder and USCG licensed master captain. He is the owner of Sailing Montauk and skipper of Montauk''s charter sailing catamaran MON TIKI You can follow him on Twitter @CaptDavidRyan
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“No larger point.”
None needed. She’s a thing of beauty.Report
Seriously, I’m considering driving out there to check her out and pound some oysters.Report
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?Report
You’re showing your age, Tod.Report
Montauk has a commercial clam fishery and short commercial scallop season, but no commercial oysters.
If you know where to look, and you don’t mind getting your feet (or sometimes your face) wet, there are oysters to be had. Nice ones.Report
What kind of wood is that?Report
I think it’s mahogany.Report
The deck is made from Blue Star branded red meranti, often sold as mahogany, or Philippine mahogany.
The upper surface is oiled. The underside (above) is the natural color. When people climb the ladder to look at the boat, I can tell when their head has cleared the aka because they (universally) exclaim “Wow!”
That feels pretty good.Report
Why oil the top and not the bottom?Report
The primary concern is UV, followed by water. The top surfaces are most expose to these threats. When time allows we’ll oil the rest.Report
I thought so too, but stain can fool the best of eyes.Report
I don’t usually comment on your boat posts but I have really enjoyed them. If I ever make it up your way I will definitely try to come check her out. Very, very cool.Report
That’s nice of you to say, and it would be my pleasure to have you and yours sail as my guests on MON TIKI. 🙂Report
Really a lovely picture, David. Also an amazing thing to see documented from pile o’ plywood and buckets of resin to cool cat.Report
Ditto this.Report
Will you sail in the winter? Is it worth doing in Montauk?Report