Daily Archive: July 11, 2012


I’ve been tinkering. If things are broken or look funny or disappear, that’s why. I’ve got comments back on old posts, and we’re working on making the logo more catchy, and then it’s off...

Polarization and Persuasion

Yesterday the Washington Post noted that A pair of tepid jobs reports, landmark Supreme Court decisions on health-care and immigration laws, and an unprecedented barrage of negative ads have shaped the opening months of...

Collateral Damage

DirecTV and Viacom have taken their contract dispute to the death cage. DirecTV’s 20 million satellite TV subscribers have lost 17 channels produced by Viacom in a dispute about the fees paid to broadcast...

Batman Goes to the Doctor

The first 10 seconds of this makes me wonder if the script writers for Batman: The Dark Knight Rises read our site. Maybe Russell has a copyright case?

Hunters and the NRA

Lily Raff McCaulou is part of a new generation of hunters that has come about in the last few years. These hunters are an offshoot of the locavore movement which is made up of...