Dear Governor: I Am Well Qualified For This Position
At Outside the Beltway, Doug Mataconis points us to a governmental job for which the regular consumption of alcoholic beverages is not only not a problem, but a job requirement. Almost makes me want to move to Utah.
I knew the perfect job was out there somewhere. I will pack my bags.Report
…do you really want to live in Utah? If I had to live in Utah I’d quickly go from dry, to heavy drinker again.Report
If they have the internet there, they have all of the culture in the world.Report
If they have the internet there, they have *access* to all of the culture in the world.Report
…do you really want to live in Utah?
It’s a lot closer to my home state of Colorado than Illinois is. I’d put up with quite a lot to be that much closer.Report
If you’re in Salt Lake City, it’s not nearly as bad as you think it is. The gentiles have taken over.Report
Race ya! (Says the guy who bought a bottle of Aperol this morning to do a taste comparison with Campari.)Report